Page 195 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 195
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
Robert Payne, Editor
.. ,, o man does not keep
poce With hls compan-
ions, perhaps if Is because
he hears o different
drummer Lat him step lo
the music which ha hears.
however measured or for
Henry David Thoreau
4 DRUMMER'S mlSH PARADE: FEET FIRST Since ancient times.
men l1ave had a /0110 \ay about and do with feet. Foot worship is
big enougll 10 have a lr.Jternal organization or two.
10 I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT From the Foot Fraternity comes
words a11d music dedicated to boo1 and loot lantasie>
The rape of 1he Drummer files with irreverant captions along
___ w_11_h_a !tpoo/ 011 Clement C Moore's fomou~ poem.
20 JO PARTIES Goodbye, Tupperware-hello, JO Buddie.5. /nstruc-
trons on "How to Have a Hot JO Party in Your Own Home."
What's hat .me/ whdt • nor among teal he rm en around the war/cl.
26 DRUMMER FORUM Tllh time. The Batlis, It'~ Tfme to Be Strong On November 2, we understand, a con-
;md Wlw You Can't Find A Man. It's your page. test was held to ~elect Mr. Leather New
York a1 rhe Paradise Gar;ige In that city. I
l l LEATHER NOTEBOOK Larry Townse11d comes to the rescue wirh had received a lette1 from ;i photo-
quesrlons vou won·, li11d in Dear Abby.
grapher there offering to cover the con-
32 DRUM MEDIA/VIDEO Vidf'o review of I fow to Enlarge Your tet for Drummer. There was 110 return
Penis ~ncl Scoll TJylor's ob.;;,ession with vacuum pump:.. address on ii, let .ilone a telephone
33 DRUMMEDIA/ MOVIES In-de.> pt h commentary by our reviewer. number. So much for thdl.
Yesterday we gol a call from .mother
38 DRUMSTICKS Go almui. lcwgh a liule
someone calling for Artie Haber, the con-
39 FICTION SECTION: THE GIFT by Olaf Odegaard 1e~a's organizer, ~aying that that someone
Au uver·the-htll prizellghrer meets up with a young hustler ancl had been photographing the proceed-
wim a far more 1mportc1nr rllfe than he ever dreamed of. ings on behatr of Drummer and that Anie
56 JIM'S STORY by Robert Bouche ron was very concerned since none of the
A kid tefl, flow hi\ Ma,ter met~ out discipline and puni5hmen«i. cont~tant\ wanted their pictures In print.
59 CHARLEY GOES LEATHER San Francisco's Mr S. who W.lS a judge.
Charley 1} for real and so is hh /eat her which he take.~ off lor you tells u~ that 1h<> winner was ~ponsored by
the Mineshaf1, which wa$ recently raided
63 CENTERFOLD POSTfR Something to inspire you, by Ofol. by six1y-flve of NYC's finest. We thought
61 DEAR SIR! We're dddlng ir1che) a) ourdJmfied section ke<•p' they only did that in LA. sending an army
gettinlj bigger-and hardc-r! to hack up c1 of business 10 close ii,
87 SOURCE GIFT SUPPLEMENT lnstec1d of merely serving a piece of
Liht minute ~hopping for your f avorllfl Master or slave paper.
Last year, everyonewu happy rhat New
103 DRUM Bill Ward's lwro vi~ih the bars on fof50m\ Miracle Mile
and winds up t/own a dark alley. York w;is finally gculng Its ~hit together
and having a cont~t at all. We assume
106 MANWATCHING ON FOLSOM Our lavoflte pastime. Four therr winner is to go to Chicago for Mr.
pag~ of !)ta/mg photos of Chrhrmas. candy you can drool over International Le.Uher and we hope not
111 CMC CARNIVAL Our two pho1ogrdpl1ers c-apture the revelry at wearing a paper bag over his head to keep
San Franchco's biggest l~athe.r blowout of the season. from being 1ecognl1ed.
116 DRUMMER DADDIES This is In no way cr1t1c1sm of Mr. Haber,
of whom we are rather fond, or of the
Salacious. submission> to dlis/y your imatlable thlr:.t.
people Involved wirh or in the New York
contest. Or even the contestants who, for
122 IN PASSING reason of their own, mus1 remain
Xm.H balh to Wi!rm the cock/es of your horny heart. nameless and faceless. Bui lo.ids, New York
City should be a far cry from Wichita Falls.
( <'J11c•r " lir /Jim up with <.lirhlmt1• ttc:e ll1h11 .incl plug fom in · J\ lC''>l.111<' 1cle.i mln11 Ir I~ too bad that the New York leather
Cl1.ulry nur n•n1t·rfold, who wcnr ,,/01111 w1tl1 the 1de.1 Photo by Patrrd, Nu11n.
0/>po•llf' p-'1,JI' Two llt>l'\IOm ()/ ;i s.1flt.h/)Jlll.; lot 00)'\ \\llo h.avc h<:f'n ~ood i>nd buy~ whu community 1s so closeted that it 1olcrat~
h.111e l>Prfl bad IJv M.m·, llamf f1fm, '>Ucha raid on the Mineshaft, or any other
place of business that is to follow
And spt>aldng of following. J city 1he
~lie of NYC should be leadinH the way for
leather .u well as the rest of the g<1y
community. -/olin H £mbry