Page 197 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 197

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                                               Robert Payne, Editor

      "If a  man does not keep pace
      with his companions. perhaps It
      ls because he hears o different                                        W~ on h;irdly let ;i military Issue go by
      drummer.  Let him  step  to  the                                     withou1 some sort of blast at our belov.ed
      muste which he hears. however                                        military  1ns1ltu1ions  themselve~.  Gay
      measured or for Ql.\Oy."                                             males love to dreu up like, or be subju-
              Henry David Thoreau                                          gated by, their wom enemies; therefore
                                                                           the  popularity of police uniforms, Nazi
                                                                           uniforms and military regalia.
                                                                             The  old guard  of 1he military doein't
                                                                           like  gays  anymore  than  h  likes  civilian
                                                                           control, liberals, congressional Investiga-
                                                                           tions or peacenlks. II didn't used 10 like
       4  COMPOUND TRAININC OUTTAKES                                       blacks  or Asians  but  ii can't  openly ge1
          Our new recruit gets a rip or rwo  from the DJ.
                                                                           away  wilh  100  much  of that  anymore.
      10  ARMY  vs NAVY by Etienne                                         However, aided and abeued by the pres-
          A group of army GI'  break into the naval academy and gang up    ent adminiJllraLion, It wants no homosex-
          on their loo1bal/ star.                                          ual~ and hM cold-bloodedly perseOJted
      15  LEATHER  REPORT                                                  and  prosecu1ed  men  with unblemished
          All the news that's flt to print, and some tha1  isn't           records. even heroes, because someone
      18  DRUMMER  FORUM                                                   heard  a  rumor 1ha1  they  might  be  that
      20  MALECAll
      22  DRUMMER  DADDIES                                                 THERE ARE NO GAYS AND
          TaU  tales with a new twist  for daddies' boys.                  THERE IS NO AIDS IN THE
      26  DRUMSTICKS                                                                U.S. MILITARY.
      27  PRIVATE KIROWSKY  by Jack Prescott                                              US  Secretory of Bul/lhlt
          A moving tale of learher love at a mllitaryacademybythemaster
          of such tale-telling.                                             Now along comes AIDS  and  the Pen-
      36  THE JOYS OF THE  PITS by T.  R.  Witomski                       tagon lias jumped In with botli feet. Eve-
          The Drummer Fer ish Parade marches on and we salute the furry,   ryone  is  10  be  1es1ed  for  II.  Whh  an
          fun.  wet. warm and wonderful pie  fanciers.                    opportunity of tliis magnitude to le.ld the
                                                                          way for the rest  ol the country. 1he mil-
      47  1986 UNIFORM CALfNOAR                                           itary has  taken  a lltance that would have
          Our  tradition  continues  as  Bill  Ward's  incredible  artwork
          becomel a calendar to pin up and live by.                       been admir<.'CI  by Auila the Hun.
                                                                            There are things 1ha1  the mili1ary does
      55  DEAR  SIRI                                                      admire  mightily,  however:  separation
          Stan the 11ew year right with a man from our bigger-than-ever   and  duplication  or  its  branches,  tlie
          classified department.                                          Incredible  pork-barreling  and  ineffi-
      15  DRUMMEOIA/ MOVIES                                               ciency of the military-lndu)trlal compleK
          From politics to polka. Drummer's rundown on what's new on      and tlie waste of billions of dollars, mil-
          the silver screen.                                              liom of man hours and thousands of oth·
      78  DRUMMIDIA/VIDEO                                                 erwise eKcetlen1, talented and dedicated
          A glimpse at  three new video re/easel to ritilate you.         men who happen to prefer men.
                                                                            The  armed  services  lie  aboul  the
       82  1986 CALENDAR  REVIEW                                          numbers of gays on their rolls. The per-
          Wha1 's  new in male calendars/ Clad you asked us.              cen1age  is  higher  than  for  the  civilian
      87  DRUM by Biii Wud                                                population. The incidence of AIDS has to
      90  SERGEANT SWANN'S SONG OF SAFE SEX                               be  proponiona1ely  higher  as  well.  But
          How to enjoy yourself, shown to us  by some private-first-cl~   instead o( leadins the way for research, it
          shots of the sergeant.                                          prefers to s1onewall it.
                                                                            A friend of ou~. a retired colonel, died
      92  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                                 recently of AIDS in a VA hospital. II took
          A fresh round of rowdy rogues  you can write to.
                                                                          over  three  months  10  get  him in. Their
      94  DEAR MOM                                                        doctors 1old  him he  merely  had a low-
          Let 1 ers home by some young servicemen caught with r heir pants   grade infection. Then. whel'l he became
          down by Seabag Studios.                                         100 11110 s1ay home and was forced upon
      98  IN  PASSING                                                     them, a needless biopsy collapsed a lung
          Try e"plaining this one to mother.                              and  hastened  his  death.  It  is  lime they
                                                                          learned  what  the  characteristlo  of  the
         Cover  Sergei1nl Swi1nn, couflcsy of Seabag Studios              disease are and how to treat them as well
         Oppojlle Page:  Mike .Mien phorogriphl mlllti1ry d/fclpllne.     as clvlllan medical centers  do.
                                                                            And It is lime 10 stop pumping all that
                                                                          money Into obsolete  bombeB. MX  sys-
                                                                          tems and tanks that run oul of gas before
                                                                          they ca11 gel to battle. lnuead of worrying
                                                                          abou1  "Star Wars,''  It  is  about  1ime for
                                                                          1hcm 10 bring 1helr organizations into the
                                                                          twentieth century.
                                                                                              John  H. Embry
                                                                                                 DRUMMER 3
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