Page 175 - Always Virginia
P. 175
Always Virginia 163
Virginia Claire Day Fritscher
Holy Mass, Celtic Celebration of Life,
December 4, 2004
Father John Patrick Day, C. P.
Farewell Carol (Recorded)
“Angels Guard Thee”
Benjamin Godard (1849-1895)
Kenneth McKellar, Irish Tenor
Beneath the quivering leaves where shelter comes at last.
All sadness sinks to rest,
or glides into the past.
Her sweet eyes prismed now, in the soft, silken boughs.
O, My Love, calm she sleeps
beneath the trembling stars.
Ah! Wake not yet from thy repose.
A fair dream spirit hovers near thee,
weaving a web of golden rose
through Dreamland’s happy isles to bear thee.
Sleep, Love, it is not yet the dawn.
Angels guard thee, Sweet Love, till morn.
How from the noisy throng, by songbirds lulled to rest
where rock the branches high, by breezes soft caressed.
Softly the “Days” go on,
by sorrow all unharmed.
Thus may life be to thee: a sweet existence charmed.
Angels guard thee, Sweet Love, till morn.
Final Carol (Sung Live by All)
“Auld Lang Syne”
Robert Burns