Page 20 - Telemedicine - Essentials of Virtual Care Delivery Part One
P. 20

SVMIC Telemedicine: Essentials of Virtual Care Delivery

                 Patrice Harris, MD, MA, Immediate Past President of the

                 American Medical Association (AMA), presented testimony to
                 the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget

                 as part of its June 23, 2020, hearing on “Health and Wealth
                 Inequality in America: How COVID-19 Makes Clear the Need

                 for Change”. In her statement, Dr. Harris noted the alarming
                 health disparities and inequities that exist in minoritized and

                 marginalized communities across the United States. She
                 addressed the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on

                 minority communities … “The data that have emerged on the
                 racial and ethnic patterns of the COVID-19 pandemic show

                 that the virus has clearly disproportionately affected Black and
                 Latino/Latinx, American Indian/Alaska Native—particularly

                 in the Navajo nation—Asian-American, and Pacific Islander
                 communities. . .”

                 One of the primary challenges facing widespread adoption

                 of telemedicine is families who don’t have in-home internet
                 access. A Pew research survey from 2019 found that 35 million

                 Americans do not have adequate internet access. Additionally,
                 Black and Hispanic adults remain less likely than whites

                 to say they own a traditional computer or have high-speed
                 internet at home. Wide use of smartphones with broadband

                 cellular connections is playing a role in helping to bridge these

                 Roughly eight-in-ten whites (82 percent) report owning a
                 desktop or laptop computer, compared with 58 percent of

                 blacks and 57 percent of Hispanics. There are also substantial


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