P. 9


                                 Hello, students! How are you today? I hope you fine. Students, do
                         you still have difficulties about the previous lesson? Don‘t be shy or afraid
                         to ask your teachers for more explanation so you can master the previous
                         lesson well. Okay students, before starting our lesson, let‘s pray to God

                         first so you the lessons can run smoothly.
                                 Well  students,  we  will  start  our  activity  1.  Do  you  know  about
                         procedure text? What is it actually? Okay, don‘t worry if you don‘t know
                         about it yet. Actually, it is a text that aims at describing how something is

                         done or made through a sequence of actions or steps. Do you know why I
                         ask you about it? Actually, you will learn about procedure text in this E-
                                 Now, before learning this material, it is better for you to prepare
                         your book and writing equipment first. Please don‘t be too noisy to keep
                         our class conducive. Great! You have prepared all of them well. It means

                         that you are ready to study. Now, let‘s start!

                          Writing Procedure Text
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