Page 2 - Overview -How do I update a Contract
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Update Contract

                C.   Contract Amendment/update billing limit             X    X     X     X
                D.  Add Prepaid and Bill Plan                                       X     X
                E.   Review/Update Milestones                            X    X     X     X
                F.   Quality Check                                       X    X     X     X

        Updating Contracts

        Use one of the following two scripts to navigate to the Award Request page in Compass. You can either navigate through your
        worklist or directly come through the Compass pages.

        How do I Navigate to Award Request through my Worklist
        How do I Navigate to Award Request using Compass Page
        In both cases, the Award Setup Request page displays.


        1.  Click the Contract Setup link.

            The Contract Setup page displays.

            A.  Add Contract Line
               A Contract Line may need to be added to the Award. Specifically in the case of FIXED contracts where the Contract Line only
               allows one Project/Activity combination. Use the following job aid: How do I Add Contract Prepaid Lines to Existing Contract

            B.  Add a Project/Activity

               A Project/Activity may be needed to be added for additional funding to be added to the contract. If you need to add a
               Project/Activity, other steps that are completed in the Award Setup Portion will also need to be completed (i.e. Request
               SpeedChart and Finalize budgets.  This should all be done before the eNOA is issued. Use the following job aids:  How do I
               Create a Project  or How do I Add an Activity

            C.  Contract Amendment/Update billing limit
               A Contract Amendment allows the user to increase or decrease the billing limit.  Use the following job aid: How do I Update
               Billing Limit by Processing Contract Amendment
            D.  Add Prepaid line and Bill Plan

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        Emory Confidential and Proprietary           Last Revised on 2/19/2018          Visit for latest version
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