Page 15 - EPEX Reference Guide
P. 15

EPEX Reference Guide

               managed by a Material Transfer Agreement that protects the rights of the different parties with regard
               to publication, freedom of research, confidentiality, and intellectual property.
        Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Veterans Affairs
               A written agreement required by the National Institutes of Health for all investigators who hold joint
               appointments at a VA Medical Center. The MOU must specify (for both the University and the VAMC)
               the title of the investigator's appointment, distribution of compensation, the responsibilities of the
               proposed investigator, and the percentage of effort available for research at each institution. The MOU
               must be signed by the appropriate officials of both Emory and the VAMC, and must be updated with
               each significant change of the investigator's responsibilities or distribution of effort and, without a
               significant change, not less than annually.
        Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
               F&A costs on federally sponsored projects are generated against MTDCs, which are Total Direct Costs
               (TDCs) less equipment, internal patient care charges, scholarships, fellowshipsand other student aid,
               alterations/renovations, space rental costs, and subgrants and subcontracts over $25,000.


        Narrative Report
               A report submitted by a principal investigator on the progress and/or status of a project supported by
               sponsored funds. Narrative reports are part of the conditions of many sponsored agreements and are
               also known as “technical” or “progress” reports. They may be requested for submission as an interim
               report, with continuation proposals, requests for supplemental funding, or at the termination of a
               sponsored project.
        New Award
               An award not previously awarded or a renewal or continuation award treated as a new award by the
               sponsor and given a new agency number.
        New Proposal
               A proposal that is submitted to a particular sponsor for the first time.
        No-Cost Extension
               An extension of the period of performance beyond the expiration date to allow the principal
               investigator additional time to finish a project. Usually, no additional funding is provided by the
        NoGA (Notice of Grant Award)
               An official legal document from a given federal agency that notifies the University that a grant or
               cooperative agreement has been awarded. It contains all terms of the award and documents the
               obligation of funds.
        Non-Competing Continuation Proposal (Grant Progress Report or Research Performance Progress Report
               A continuation proposal/grant progress report/RPPR reports on progress made during a portion of the
               project period and requests continuation funding for the next portion of the project period.
               Continuation proposals/grant progress reports/RPPRs are not in competition with new project
               proposals and are not subjected to peer review beyond the initial project approval.

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