Page 11 - lesson
P. 11

Böle förskola    Piteå, Sweden

                                       Eco Tweet: Little Scientists

                                                   Lesson Plan
        Teachers: Karin Ceder and Carina Johansson
        Age of students: 4-5 years old

        Number of students: 15

        Title: What is science?
         Category: science, language

        General Purpose:
               1.  Start our work with the second year of our project “Eco Tweet”
        Specific objectives:
               1.  Do the children know anything about science?
               2.  What do they know?
        Methods and techniques: Gather the children and talk with them about the word “science”
        Material: Ipad, paper and pencil
        Place: Inside
        Duration: 20-30 minutes
        Description of the activity: We gathered the children on the floor, sat down all together and
        asked them if they knew what the word “science” meant, if they had heard the word before.
        Several of them answered that it meant that we shall not throw garbage in to the nature. We
        then told them that science is about, among other things, WHY we shall not throw the garbage

        in to the nature, because WHAT happens then in the nature. The children talked a lot of what’ll
        happen if we do, but some thought that is was okay to throw food in the nature. We discussed
        that and after a while all agreed of that it’s not good… We all have two garbage cans at home
        and one of them, the brown one, is for food!
        One child lost interest in the food-talk and started to blow on our mascot Eco, who was sitting
        in the middle of our ring. We saw that and asked “How did you make her fall down?” Now we
        had an interesting talk about air, blowing, hot, cold and friction.

        Assessment: It was fun for us to see how several of the children related to the work we did
        last year in this project, about the little ecologist. The lesson also ended well, due to the
        blowing from one child. This will be another funny year working in this project!

        Postadress: Box 732, 941 28 Piteå  Besöksadress:   Telefon: 0911-69 60 00 vx   Webbadress:
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