Page 3 - NeuII
P. 3

           What first got
           you into

                    My  mum,  she  burdened me  with
                    the  indoctrination  of  classical  piano
                    which even though I hated it turned
                    out to be quite useful.

                    What  or  who  inspired  you  to  make    Do you have any upcoming shows?
                    music?                                    Due to the current situation probably
                    My  teenage  love  for  Rock  &  Metal    nothing until the end of June.
                    which then became a love for synthe-
                    sizers. I‘m influenced by Perturbator,    How do you feel the internet has im-
                    We are Magonia, Carpenter Brut and        pacted your music?
                    through my early childhood classical      I feel that it enables much more crea-
                    music.                                    tivity and output but it also makes
                                                              it harder to get real listeners.
                    Ok so what Metal bands were your fa-
                    vorites?                                  Which  famous  musicians  do  you  ad-
                    I would say Metallica, Hatebreed,         mire?
                    Sybreed, Slipknot and Steel Panther.      Absolute kings, in my opinion, would
                                                              be  Slash, Michael  Angelo Batio  &
                    How would  you  describe the  music       Stumpen from Knorkator.
                    that you currently create?
                    Under  the  Admiral, it should  mainly    What is the best advice you‘ve been
                    remain synthesizery but real & fitting    given?
                    instruments are welcome.                  One thing that has worked really good
                                                              lately is to just get it done. I sat there
                    What is your creative process like?       for  2  months  intensively  crafting  on
                    Most of the times I take my synthe-       my release album, we even got one
                    sizer to my hand when I get musical       more song in the pipeline!
                    revelation every time that happens I
                    record the sequence so that I can add
                    it to my stock from which I then puz-
                      zle a track.

                        Have you performed before?
                        Yes I did but not under this pseu-

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