Page 4 - NeuII
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Is there a hidden meaning in any of       You can listen to our music on our Spo-
                    your music?                               tify,  Amazon,  iTunes,  Deezer,  Band-
                    Not really, hidden messages come la-      camp,  and  later  also  per  CD  maybe
                    ter ;)                                    it‘ll be buyable on a website of us.

                    Do you collaborate with others?
                    Not yet but I wouldn‘t be against it if
                    someone‘s work out there got a good
                    harmonic  vibe that combines well
                    with mine.

                    What‘s  the  biggest  problem  you‘ve
                    had to overcome so far?
                    In actuality I say writing lyrics, that‘s
                    also the main reason why my songs
                    don‘t feature those at the moment.

                    What music really grinds your nerves?
                    Especially  this  typical  Spanish  pop
                    music, pop music in general & Schla-
                    ger  and that‘s it for now.
                                                              What was the best concert you‘ve
                    How did you come up with your pseu-       seen and why?
                    donym?                                    Definitely last‘s year Perturbator per-
                    Through a Gamertag in fact.               formance in Woodstock.

                    How long does it take you to make a       What are  the essential  qualities  that
                    track?                                    make a good musician for you?
                    If I would want to get really get into    A  beautiful  interplay  of  rhythm  and
                    the hustle it would take about 1 week.    melody  I  feel  that  often  one  of  the
                                                              two is missing, either rhythm or me-
                    What are your instruments?                lody.
                    Drums, bass, piano, synthesizers, gui-
                    tar  and  a  self-made  flute  but  don‘t   Well  then,  Admiral  it  was  a  pleasure
                    count on me to play it.                   talking to you! Is there anything left
                                                              that you would like to say?
                    How has  your  music  evolved since       Yes! I would like to shoutout our De-
                    you first began playing music?            signer Rico Winkel and don‘t forget to
                    When I was at school we had a small       get the music streamin‘ steamin‘!
                    metal  band  but  we  only  played  In-
                    house  events. With  time more  and       Very  sympathetic!  I‘m  looking  for-
                    more synth elements were added.           ward to see you again soon!
                                                              Likewise thanks to you!
                    How  can  fans-to-be  gain  access  to
                    your  music?  Do  you  have  a  website
                    with sample songs or a demo CD?

                                                                    Rico Winkel | communication designer
   INTERVIEW                                                        & linguist
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