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A little while ago, Ullis Sundell mentioned We bring this topic to an end with new
that it would be interesting to show case country-of-origin imports and western
country-of-origin Sloughis in the breeding bred country-of-origin to country-of-
of Western Sloughis. origin Sloughis that will hopefully be
integrated in future Western Sloughi
During the past 30 years, such Sloughis breeding.
have either been bred to in Africa or have
been imported to the Western world. Of course, the foundation of the breed in
the Western world is based for the most
This issue is the result of many hours of part on country-of-origin Sloughis that go
tracing back breeding to country-of-origin back to the 1960s for the current breeding.
Sloughis from 1993 to 2023 .
Sloughis were imported to France as early
We have different chapters in the as during King Charles IX of France’s reign
magazine. (1560-1574) and later on in Europe in the
mid 1800s and early 1900s - bloodlines that
First, we present the country-of-origin were destroyed during the 2 World wars.
Sloughis that still have live descendants
today. Many thanks to Marcus Arndt and Dr.
Sabine Schlenkrich for providing photos
The countries are listed alphabetically and and details on the temperament of some of
within each country the Sloughis are listed the Sloughis. Also, a lot of information
chronologically. about the descendants would have been
very difficult if not impossible to obtain
Then Sloughis born of a country-of-origin without Patricia Lauer and the Sloughi
sire to a country-of-origin dam in the Archive.
Western world that have live descendants
today follow. Last but not least, thank you to all the
contributors who took the time to
document their dogs with awesome texts
and photos.