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T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 8 5
Tbourida Dar al Hor
Breeder: Ali Harmouchi (Dar al Hor). The process of importing and some
Owner: Ullis Sundell (del Khazaris), months of waiting began, and the planning
Sweden. for an unexpected but welcome journey to
Born December 19, 2021, in Ben-Slimane, Casablanca.
By Sultan out of Samar. I have never regretted this impulsive
decision. Tbourida Dar Al-Hor is an 100%
I was involved when a friend was looking lovable and feisty dog to live with! A
for a country-of-origin Sloughia so I wonderful character. I am forever grateful
followed the development of this litter. to each one involved and helpful in this
Unfortunately, she had to cancel. I thought craziness!
this litter was exciting, especially because
of the dam’s origin but I also liked the Due to the illness and loss of my mother
picture of the sire and his grandfather. I we had to postpone our journey to
thought it was too interesting to not bring Morocco therefore Tbourida was already
to Europe, despite the sire’s lineage not 9.5 months when she arrived in Sweden.
being unique in the western world. I was Our stay also had to be shortened because
personally not interested in getting yet of the time for our trip. A big
another dog, so I talked with a couple of disappointment but we had a great time,
other friends, but we were all in the same and our friend Ali took great care of us, my
situation. After discussing different daughter Johanna and I.
solutions, I decided to take her home