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WORLDVIEW I               56

                                                       Africa calling

                                                       The African Continental Free Trade Area
                                                       Agreement (AfCFTA) is set to make Africa
                                                       the world’s largest free trade zone since the
                                                       establishment of the WTO in 1994, opening up
                                                       vast opportunities to global economies to boost
                                                       trade ties with Africa

          06           SPOTLIGHT                               31
                       India’s medical devices
                       Growing disposable income, increasing
                       spending in healthcare systems by both
                       government as well as private parties,               OVERSIGHT
                       and emergence of India as a sought-after             Engineering exports
                       medical tourist destination is leading to            fall again
                       tremendous growth prospects in the
                       Indian healthcare industry.                          Besides the continuing global trade
                                                                            disputes, India’s engineering exporting
          16           EXPERT EYE                                           adequate credit flow
                                                                            community is hamstrung by the lack of
                       Challenges of a bank

                       How the working environment of banks    75           MARKETS
                       has changed in step with globalisation               India-Indonesia bilateral
                       and liberalisation                                   trade

          20           TECH FRONTIERS                          5   I  MONTHLY MUSINGS
                       Circular economy for
                                                               30  I  WTO TALK
                       productivity and
                       sustainability                          52  I  OVERSEAS AFFAIRS
                       The overuse of resources the world      82  I  ECOWATCH
                       over has led to an alarming state of the
                       environment. Harnessing technology to   88  I  DO YOU KNOW?
                       promote the principles of circular economy   90  I  HOME AFFAIRS
                       of reduce, recycle, and reuse will go a long   104 I  EEPC INDIA OFFICES
                       way in sustainable development of the
                       world                                   106 I  EEPC INDIA CALENDAR OF EVENTS

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