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          From the Chairman’s Desk

                                     RADE Wars and Trade Negotiations have   products, and thereafter final goods, to promote
                                     been the two dominant themes of the   Make in India and prevent inverted duties being
                                 Tmonth gone by. Let me begin with the lat-  exacerbated further. Moreover, all tariff line-wise
                                 ter since I and my colleagues played some role in   import substitution measures taken since 2014
                                 hoping to form the Government of India’s nego-  should be in the exclusion list; and (iv) Last but
                                 tiating stance in RCEP.                 not the least, the Rules of Origin should be the
                                  The  Regional  Comprehensive  Economic  Part-  same as that of ASEAN FTA to prevent spaghetti
                                 nership  Agreement (RCEP) is a proposed free   bowl effects for exporters.
                                 trade agreement (FTA) between the ten mem-  At the time of writing, the Government of India
                                 ber-states of the  Association of Southeast  Asian   has issued a Press Release, which says ‘the Com-
                                 Nations (ASEAN) and its six FTA partners RCEP   merce Secretary Dr Anup Wadhawan, led a dele-
                                 negotiations were formally launched in November   gation to the 8th RCEP Inter-sessional Ministerial
                                 2012 at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia.   meeting held in Beijing on 2-3 August 2019. During
                                  In 2017, prospective RCEP member-states ac-  the meeting, he highlighted India’s contribution in
                                 counted for a population of 3.4 billion people with   shaping the RCEP negotiations till date. He advo-
          We need clarity on     a total gross domestic product (GDP, PPP) of $49.5   cated a spirit of understanding accommodation and
          liberalisation of      trillion,  approximately 39 percent of the world’s   flexibility towards reaching balanced outcome in the
                                 GDP, with the combined GDPs of China and India
                                                                         negotiations. India’s concerns regarding market access
          tariffs chapter-       making up more than half that amount. RCEP is   and other issues leading to imbalanced trade between
          wise. Our              the world’s largest economic bloc, covering nearly   some of the partner countries was specifically flagged
                                 half the global economy. The 8th Inter-sessional
                                                                         during the meetings.’
          suggestion is that     Ministerial Meeting was held in Beijing recently   Lack of space prevents me from giving a more
          raw materials          and before that the Commerce and Industry Min-  detailed comment than to just state that trade wars
                                                                         have begun to simmer, once again, as the US threat-
                                 ister, Mr Piyush Goyal had a series of consultations
          should be opened       with various stakeholders to understand their   ens to impose a further 10 percent increase in duties
          up first, then         concerns. EEPC India was present in three of such   on $300 billion. As expected, China, too, has vowed
          intermediate           meetings in Mumbai and Delhi. While many issues   to retaliate. Simultaneously, Japan and South Korea
                                                                         have begun their own trade battles over export con-
                                 were discussed, our main contention with respect
          products, and          to RCEP could be summed up as follows:  trols put by the former.
                                                                          Clearly, these are difficult times for those in the
          thereafter final       (i) RCEP is essentially becoming a Free Trade   foreign trade sector. However, we need to contin-
                                 Agreement between India and China. We believe
          goods, to promote      the RCEP will be used by China to have such an   ue to look for new markets and new products to
          Make in India and      agreement as otherwise India would never agree   tackle and emerge successfully from the global
          prevent inverted       to a bilateral trade agreement. We already have an   trade headwinds.
                                                                          The good news for our member-exporters is
                                 FTA with ASEAN and comprehensive economic
          duties being           arrangements with Japan, Korea, Singapore, and   that EEPC India has opened four chapters in the
          exacerbated            Malaysia in the RCEP region. (ii) We have a huge   last three months – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in
                                                                         May, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh in June, Jamshedpur,
                                 trade deficit in the RCEP region, particularly,
          further                with China and the ASEAN countries. Industry   Jharkhand and Belgavi, Karnataka in July.  We
                                 fears that dropping of tariffs will exacerbate the   plan to launch 17 Chapters in 16 States to reach
                                 trade deficit from China, in particular, and there-  out to engineering exporters in Tier-II and III
                                 by pour water into Prime Minister’s call for Make   cities, who for various reasons cannot effectively
                                 in India. We have, therefore, suggested a cautious   utilise our services.
                                 approach of back-loading tariff drops, if at all the
                                 government signs the RCEP.
                                 (iii)  We need clarity on liberalisation of tariffs
                                 chapter-wise. Our suggestion is that raw materi-
                                 als should be opened up first, then intermediate   Ravi Sehgal

                                                                                 AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  5
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