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          Trade scenario of the medical     between 2015-16 and 2018-19.       destinations for Indian medical devices
          devices sector in India             Table3 shows the products which   and constitute almost 27.6 percent of
          Exports of medical devices from India   underwent maximum growth between   the total medical devices exports.  Ta-
          exhibited a healthy growth trend with a   2015-16 and 2018-19.       ble6 shows the top five export destina-
          CAGR  of  12.3  percent  in  the  last  four   Table4 lists the top 10 medical devic-  tions for India. Together they constitute
          years. However, at the same time im-  es imported by India.          42.6 percent of the total medical devic-
          ports also grew at a CAGR of 10.2 per-                               es exports and have exhibited positive
          cent and overall there is a trade deficit   Observation:  All the top 10 imported   growth between 2014 and 2018.
          which has grown at 9.4 percent in the   products have enjoyed a positive CAGR
          last four years.                  between 2015-16 and 2018-19.       Major import partners for India
                                              Table5 shows the products which   The USA also features as the largest im-
          Item-wise export-import trends    underwent maximum growth between   port partner for the Indian medical de-
          Table2 lists the top 10 medical devices   2015-16 and 2018-19.       vices industry. Table7 shows the top five
          exported from India.                                                 import  partners  for  India.  together  they
                                            Major export destinations          constitute 62.2 percent of the total med-
          Observation:  All the top 10 exported   of India                     ical devices exports and have exhibited
          products have enjoyed a positive CAGR   The USA and China are the top export   positive growth between 2014 and 2018.

          Table2: Top 10 medical devices exported from India
          HS Code  Product description                            2015-16  2016-17  2017-18   2018-19  CAGR %
          901839   Catheters and the like; Other needles          195.89   217.75   256.82    300.06  15.3
          901890   Other Instruments and appliances of medical science   202.83  190.69  194.15  218.8  2.6
          902230   X-ray tubes                                    70.64    77.6     84.8      125.91  21.2
          901819   Other electro-diagnostic apparatus including those for functional exploratory  53.02  43.91  63.05  109.54  27.4
                   examination or checking physiological parameters

          902290   Other, including parts and accessories         95.3     102.11   101.16    97.79   0.9
          902214   Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses  25.43  39.97    40.59     61      33.9
          382200   Composite diagnostic/laboratory reagents excl goods of heading 3002/3006   32.62  52.99  45.95  54.91  19.0
          902139   Other                                          30.46    36.53    38.58     48.65   16.9
          902110   Orthopaedic or fracture appliances             25.29    28.21    32.16     38.52   15.1
          901832   Tubular metal needles and needles for suture   27.16    32.12    36.45     35.58   9.4
          Source: DGCI&S

          Table3: Top five products exhibiting highest export growth between 2015-16 and 2018-19

          HS Code    Product description                            2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  CAGR %
          902212     Computed tomography apparatus                  1.93    5.28     11.8     12.37   85.8
          902131     Artificial joints                              3.76    7.15     14.14    19.01   71.6
          902750     Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR)  3.62  5.54  12.22  17.95  70.5
          901910     Machino-therapy appliances; Massage apparatus; Psychological aptitude-  0.87  1.44  2.64  3.12  53.1
                     testing apparatus
          901811     Electro-cardiographs                           8.92    13.94    15.81    30.01   49.8
         Source: DGCI&S

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