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          Table7: Top 5 import destinations for India

          Exporter     2014          2015         2016           2017          2018            CAGR %

          USA          1,022.96      1,026.84     1,077.36       1,162.60      1,151.76        3.01

          Germany      578.63        578.96       579.02         660.81        720.72          5.64

          China        393.21        454.51       459.45         547.40        602.18          11.24

          Singapore    208.61        209.68       245.66         321.31        501.14          24.50

          Japan        264.54        277.94       309.95         320.96        316.15          4.56

          Source: ITC Trade Map


         AFRICA                             Nigeria                            India Pavilion in Nigeria Pharma
         The  African medical devices market is   Nigeria’s medical system is still under-  The 5th Nigeria Pharma Manufacturers’
         growing at a steady rate and is expect-  developed and the country loses at least   Expo 2019, which will be organised over
         ed to exhibit a CAGR of 6.3 percent and   $1.5 billion every year for the purpose of   28-29 August, is an excellent opportuni-
         reach $7069.61 million by 2023.5 Factors   medical tourism.6 Most private clinics   ty for Indian medical devices manufac-
         such as growing middle income group,   are unable to afford new medical equip-  turers and exporters, as over 4000 phar-
         increasing healthcare expenditure, in-  ment and are dependent on refurbished   ma trade professionals from across the
         creasing number of medical tourists,   or used ones. However, recently the gov-  region including Nigeria, Ghana, Mali,
         proliferation of hospitals, government   ernment adopted some positive steps   Chad, Cameroon, EQ Guinea, Central
         programmes and support, and increas-  that are expected to go a long way in   African Republic, Senegal, The Gam-
         ing incidence of lifestyle diseases have   expanding the Nigerian medical devices   bia, Ivory Coast, Niger, Burkina Faso,
         significantly contributed to the growth   market. The medical devices subsectors   and Benin among others are expected to
         of the medical devices market in Africa.   which are in high demand include di-  attend this exhibition. EEPC India has
           Looking at the high potential of the   agnostic equipment and medical dis-  been a longstanding participant in this
         African market, EEPC India has been   posables, especially those for testing for   exhibition.
         participating in a number  of medical   malaria parasites, drug  abuse, and  in-
         devices exhibitions in the region. In Au-  fectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and   Ethiopia
         gust 2019, EEPC will organise the India   tuberculosis. China is the major suppli-
         Pavilion in Nigeria Pharma Manufac-  er of the low-tech equipment that the   As a country Ethiopia has a large, pre-
         turer’s Expo, one of the premier medical   country can afford. Also, a zero-import   dominantly rural, and impoverished
         devices exhibitions in Africa. Following   duty  applies to  all  medical  equipment   population with poor access to safe wa-
         this, in January 2020, EEPC India is or-  as per legislation, but according to the   ter, housing, sanitation, food and health
         ganising the Indian Engineering Pavil-  President of the Healthcare Federation   service.  With a growing middle class,
         ion in Ethiopia where medical devices   of Nigeria (HFN) in practice an import-  there is also an increase in non-infec-
         will be a focus sector.            er could pay rates up to 10 percent.  tious diseases such as cancer, diabetes,

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