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heart diseases, hepatitis B and C, and   Indian Engineering Pavilion in Ethiopia  coincides with ITME Africa 2020, which
          high blood pressure. Currently, more   Given the growing importance of the   is being organised by the India ITME So-
          than 16,600 healthcare centres deliver   sector in the Ethiopian market, EEPC   ciety, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce
          health services in Ethiopia. The govern-  India with support from the Ministry   and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) and
          ment encourages private sector partici-  of Commerce and Industry has organ-  EEPC India. Together these two exhi-
          pation in the area of quality of care and   ised the Indian Engineering Pavilion in
          quality of service. Equipment  and  ser-  Ethiopia during 4-6 January 2020. In this   bitions can provide significant oppor-
          vices to new hospitals and health centres   exhibition, medical devices have been   tunities to the Indian medical devices
          is a leading subsector in the Ethiopian   kept as a major sector besides other key   manufacturers and exporters in the
          healthcare industry.              engineering exports. Also, this exhibition   Ethiopian market.


              HE MENA medical devices mar-  Dubai                              Dubai Industrial Strategy 2030. The UAE
              ket is projected to grow at a steady   The UAE market for medical devices was   hosts around 18 multinational companies
         TCAGR of 5.4 percent over the pe-  estimated at 3.7 billion  AED in 2016.8   in the medical devices business who use
          riod 2015-20 and reach a market value   Population growth, changing epidemiol-  Dubai as regional distribution hub, in ad-
          of $9.8 billion by 2020.7 The key drivers   ogy, growing medical tourism industry,   dition to around 10 major multinationals
          behind the growth of the medical devices   healthcare infrastructure developments,   in pharmaceuticals distribution, and a few
          market in the region are: greater demand   expanding health insurance, digital trans-  local manufacturers.
          for healthcare stemming from population   formation, new technologies, and the
          growth, expansion of the private health-  research drive under the Dubai Science   India Pavilion in Arab Health 2020
          care system, increasing medical tourism   Park are some of the key factors driving its   The Arab Health Exhibition and Congress
          with Dubai positioned as a hub, and   growth.                        is the largest healthcare exhibition and
          plans to develop an integrated medical   The UAE is the fourth-largest medical
          city in the Giza, Egypt. The United Arab   devices market in the MENA region and   medical congress in West Asia and the sec-
          Emirates would be one of the leaders in   has among the highest medical devices ex-  ond-largest in the world. It is a four-day
          the MENA medical devices market as it   penditure per capita in the region. As per   event being held over 27-30 January 2020
          would remain the preferred base for mul-  industry estimates, the market will regis-  at the Dubai International Convention
          tinational medical devices companies to   ter a 2015-20 CAGR of 8.2 percent, which   and Exhibition Centre in Dubai, United
          establish their regional headquarters. Giv-  will take the value to AED5.3 billion ($1.4   Arab Emirates. EEPC India, which will
          en the growing importance of the medical   billion) by 2020. Consumables and diag-  be organising the India Pavilion in Arab
          devices industry in the region and the ad-  nostic imaging in addition to other de-  Health 2020, has been historically asso-
          vantageous position that UAE offers, it is   vices represent the top market sizes. The   ciated with this event and the previous
          an advantage for EEPC India to organise   pharma and medical equipment sector   editions witnessed significant  influx  of
          the India Pavilion in Arab Health.   remains one of the six target sectors set by   visitors.


               PART from the growing upper   ism industry is expected to grow by 200   in the coming years.
               and middle class and increasing   percent by 2020, hitting $9 billion.9 In   The Central Drugs Standard Control
         Adomestic expenditure in health-   2017, India attracted substantial num-  Organisation (CDSCO) published the
          care, India is gradually becoming one of   ber of medical tourists from neighbour-  new Medical Device Rules, 2017, which
          the most sought-after nations among its   ing  SAARC nations as  well  as  African   came into force on 1 January 2018. The
          neighbours for medical tourism purpos-  countries such as Nigeria and Kenya.   new rules have been formulated to pro-
          es. As per recent estimates of the Min-  Therefore, the medical devices sector is   mote  domestic manufacturing and  to
          istry of Tourism, India’s medical tour-  going to assume much more importance   regulate import and manufacturing in

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  13
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