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          line  with the GHTF (global harmoni-  ment by providing weighted deduction   wants to become a member of the key
          sation task force) guidelines and are in   for the expenses incurred on that front.   exporters of medical devices in the
          line with these rules’ risk-based classi-  There is minimal or no import duty on   coming  years, there  is an urgent need
          fication. The regulatory licenses issued   certain medical devices.  for the industry to move up the tech-
          for  import,  manufacture,  or  sale  of   While these are positive steps towards   nology ladder. With sufficient technol-
          medical devices have been made per-  further growth of the industry, there   ogy infusion the Indian medical devices
          petual in nature to cut down on un-  are certain negative factors, too, the im-  industry can flourish gradually. Fur-
          necessary  and  time-consuming  paper-  pact the Indian industry     thermore collaborations between gov-
          work, in a bid to increase ease of doing   First  and  foremost  there  is  a  need   ernment and the private sector along
          business in India. These modifications   to restrict the import of refurbished   with suitable policy initiatives and lo-
          in the rules also enable Indian manu-  or second-hand medical devices into   cal-level innovation can make India a
          facturers to export finished high-qual-  India. While refurbished machines are   global hub for medical devices in the
          ity products from  India to  the  world.   supposedly properly restored devices   coming years.
          Looking at the growing importance of   to the original safety and effectiveness
          the industry, the government has taken   by the original manufacturer as well as
          several positive steps towards its devel-  the certified refurbishing companies,   Notes
          opment.                           it is difficult to verify whether it has   1
          • In December 2018, the government   actually been restored to the original   YGS-364/images/WPMT2018.pdf
          also formed the National Medical De-  safety and effectiveness and adequately
          vices Promotion Council under the   calibrating this is difficult. Availability   2
          aegis of DIPP and includes represent-  of spare parts after five-seven years of   tions/332/journals/final_china_and_
          atives from the healthcare industry and   life is doubtful in any electronic item.   medtech_gvc_jice_508_compliant.pdf
          quality promotion institutions. This   Most importantly, import of these de-
          step is aimed to give a greater fillip to   vices can lead to significant loss for the   3
          the medical devices sector.       domestic industry which majorly com-  download/EEPC-IBEF-Arab-Health-
          • The government has allowed foreign   prises MSMEs, by bringing in:  Supplement-30-Jan-201.pdf
          direct investment in medical device   • loss of job creation owing to the harm
          manufacturing sector without any prior   caused to local manufacturing, and  4
          approval from the government, thereby   • loss of revenue, owing to reduction of   kpmg/xx/pdf/2017/12/medical-devic-
          encouraging business to quickly scale-  import duty revenue by ‘reduced cost’   es-2030.pdf
          up existing operations by infusing cap-  while increasing the healthcare burden
          ital or engage in time-sensitive strategic   owing  to  inadequate/ineffective  treat-  5
          acquisitions.                     ments.                             africa-medical-devices-market-expand-
          • The third feature is the presence of   Furthermore since the industry is   ing-tremendously-to-make-great-im-
          laws that do not permit manufacturers   regulated by multiple regulations, even   pact-in-near-future-by-2023.html
          and importers of medical device to pro-  simple tasks such as rectification of er-
          mote their product directly to the cus-  roneous declaration on a label get de-  6
          tomer as cures for certain prescribed   layed.                       geria-Medical-Equipment
          conditions and illnesses.
          • The already robust intellectual prop-  Conclusion                  7
          erty rights regime in India has been   While the Indian medical devices in-  default/files/2017%20Medical%20Devic-
          strengthened further by tweaking the   dustry is undoubtedly showing a high   es%20Market%20Snapshot.pdf
          rules for grant of patent and trademark   growth prospect, high dependence on
          in the last two years.            imports is a significant factor that may   8
          • The Government of India has intro-  impact the growth in future. Though   searchDocument/Medical-Devices-Sec-
          duced  various  fiscal  measures  to  pro-  there are several factors that have been   tor-Report.pdf
          mote research, development, manufac-  encouraging imports, dearth of high-
          turing, and import of medical devices.   end  technology  is  a  significant  dis-  9
          For instance, the government has incen-  couraging factor. Therefore, not only   health/india-medical-tourism-indus-
          tivised scientific research and develop-  in terms of import reduction, if India   try-intl/index.html

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