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             Challenges of a bank manager

              How the working environment of banks has changed in step with globalisation and liberalisation

                                            and their apparent richness due to ‘our’   sidered as instruments through which
                    T R SHASTRI
                                            money. The other jobs that were availa-  development plans of the government
            Prof T R Shastri is a Bengaluru-based   ble to the youngsters like that of teaching,   need to be implemented. Their presence
                    retired Banker          government service or others in private   everywhere (in India, there are 1.2 lakh
                                            sector were less attractive in terms of pay-  bank branches – highest in the world –
                 ORKING in a bank was con-  out, privilege and perquisites. The oppor-  compared to 1.55 lakh post offices), PSBs’
                 sidered a well-paying secured   tunities for joining banks increased with   vulnerability to owners’ demands, and
         Wjob, offering growing oppor-      nationalisation and expansion of branch   populist belief that loans lead to prosper-
          tunities to young graduates; an island   network. However, this crescendo de-  ity made them the soft target for pushing
          of  prosperity  in  the  midst  of  ocean  of   clined with alternative jobs coming up in   traditional banking products and imple-
          poverty. Bankers were even looked down   better paying IT and non-banking finan-  menting non-conventional ideas such as
          with contempt and jealousy by onlook-  cial sector in subsequent decades.   selling application forms, collecting taxes,
          ers for the differentiated environment,   After nationalisation, though the   opening accounts of reluctant customers,
          occasional air-conditioning, the neck-  banks continued as commercial banks,   disbursing  target  based  loans  and  pure
          ties some of the occupants were wearing   the public sector banks (PSBs) were con-  aadhaar enrolments and updates.

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