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Several building blocks of circularity are preserves and enhances natural capital, tious long-term vision of a circular econ-
deeply ingrained in Indian habits, as ex- optimises resource yields, and minimis- omy, built on the current strengths of the
emplified by the high rates of utilisation es system risks by managing finite stocks Indian market and engaging business, pol-
and repair of vehicles and the distributed and renewable flows. The concept of cir- icy, and education in its realisation, could,
recovery and recycling of materials post- cular economy, a metaphor that neatly on the contrary, provide the basis for a
use. Often handled informally, these activ- resonates with Mahatma Gandhi’s ardent regenerative development path towards
ities provide the only source of livelihoods lifelong quest for efficiency in production, long-term prosperity.
to some of the poorest populations. By sufficiency in consumption, and what he A circular economy reduces resource
turning these existing trends into core de- could well have called ‘conservancy’ of re- dependency and resource use, including
velopment strategies, India could generate sources and ‘deficiency’ in wastes, captures energy, thereby reining in production
significant economic savings, while mas- well the desirable characteristics of the fu- costs, narrowing market exposure, and
sively cutting down on carbon emissions. ture we will all have to live in – and how limiting costs stemming from resource
Restorative and regenerative by design, to get there. extraction and generation. It additionally
a circular economy aims to keep prod- The world’s growing and the increas- leads to the introduction of economically
ucts, components, and materials at their ingly affluent population has caused an viable methods of reducing pollution, and
highest utility and value at all times. A cir- overuse of resources, higher price levels separating harmful from reusable waste
cular economy is a continuous cycle that and increasing market volatility. An ambi- material.
Principle 1: Preserve and enhance natu- tion of marine ecosystems. the past few decades, it stands to more
ral capital by controlling finite stocks and Principle 2: Optimise resource yields by than triple its demand for resources by
balancing renewable resource flows. circulating products, components, and 2030. This process could be effectively
A circular economy enhances natural materials at their highest utility at all contained by adopting the circular econ-
capital by encouraging flows of nutri- times, in both technical and biological omy principles.
ents within the system and creating the cycles. 2. Nutrient loss: The deterioration of soil
conditions for regeneration of soil and This entails designing for refurbishing, due to loss of nutrients is a significant
other living systems. Whenever possible, remanufacturing, and recycling to keep trend in India and this could be reduced
utility is provided virtually or as a service products, components, and materials cir- for effective gains.
rather than as a physical product. When culating and contributing to the econo-
resources are needed, the circular sys- my. Principle 3: Foster system effectiveness
tem favours technologies and processes As in a linear system, increasing yields by revealing and designing out negative
that use renewable or better performing is useful and requires ongoing system im- externalities.
resources. The circular economy seeks provements. But unlike a linear system, a The negative externalities of economic
to address several challenges to natural circular system would not compromise activity include land degradation; air, wa-
capital: effectiveness – which requires a fine bal- ter, and noise pollution; release of toxic
1. Threatened stock and variable quality ance between efficiency and long-term substances; and GHG emissions. A cir-
of fresh water. resilience. The circular economy seeks to cular economy would reveal the cost of
2. Soil degradation. address several resource challenges. these externalities – in other words, out-
3. Loss of biodiversity 1. Materials consumption: If India main- line their risks and potential economic
4. Depletion of fish stocks and degrada- tains the economic development pace of impact.
IRCULAR consumption is an vironmental degradation and resource on Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. The prin-
indispensible part of a circular depletion. The challenge to put circular ciple reflects on the scope for converting
Ceconomic system for sustaining consumption into practice can be ad- wastes into valuable products and mak-
economic growth and mitigating en- dressed by the 3R Principle that is based ing the Mission Zero Waste a reality. This