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          floating in the ocean, whereas much   issue. In this context strengthening the   siveness towards modernisation needs
          more are deposited and accumulated   policies related to marine pollution,   to be reflected upon, with recognition
          in bottom sediments. They bring toxic   capacity building of local and national   that technology costs can be a deterrent,
          chemicals to organisms such as fish and   bodies, development of marine research   and that governmental initiatives and
          shellfish, causing concern about food se-  and development activities, and raising   support can enable and assist SMEs to-
          curity. Disposal of micro-plastics to the   awareness can be critical.  wards green industrial development.
          ocean has major impacts on the marine                                 In order to green SMEs, a concept of
          ecosystem as these materials are ingest-  Greening of small manufacturing   GLEAN (Green Lean) which is a combi-
          ed by marine organisms causing severe   enterprises (SMEs)           nation of Material Flow Cost Account-
          food security issues.             Greening  of  SMEs  is  important  to   ing (MFCA) and LEAN management,
           There is a need to consider a wide   achieve decoupling economic progress   developed by NPC could be put into
          spectrum of 3R options as part of circu-  vis-à-vis  resource  consumption,  lead-  practice. The application of MFCA in
          lar economy to reduce the generation of   ing to circular economy. It is indicated   production has been  demonstrated in
          plastic wastes. Among them, reduction   that  SMEs  are  the  major  contributors   SMEs and the implication of adopt-
          of production of unnecessary single-use   worldwide to industrial activity as part   ing MFCA with LEAN is that it clearly
          plastics could be helpful, considering   of supply chains and that significant   leads to higher process efficiency and
          long-term environmental impacts.  pollution is also generated by SMEs. A   reduction/elimination  of  waste.  The
           Indian stakeholders can learn from   perspective on resource efficient clean-  fundamental  strategy  behind  imple-
          global initiatives such as Clean Seas   er production (RECP) initiative and the   menting MFCA with LEAN is the eval-
          Campaign and North  West Plastic  Ac-  challenges faced in effecting behavioural   uation of the operations and activities
          tion  Plan  (NOWPAP)  for  solving  the   change in SMEs and obtaining respon-  in terms of efficiencies. Since MFCA
                                                                               is a management accounting method,
                                                                               it does not automatically resolve this
                                                                               loss. In fact, it is necessary to clarify the
          THERE IS A NEED TO CONSIDER A WIDE SPECTRUM                          cause of the loss occurring in each pro-
          OF 3R OPTIONS AS PART OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY TO                         cess and change the design, materials/
                                                                               parts, manufacturing method, process-
          REDUCE THE GENERATION OF PLASTIC WASTES.                             ing, equipment, etc, and to eliminate

          AMONG THEM, REDUCTION OF PRODUCTION OF                               the cause, for which PDCA (Plan, Do,
                                                                               Check, and  Act) approach of LEAN
          UNNECESSARY SINGLE-USE PLASTICS COULD BE                             principles when clubbed with MFCA
          HELPFUL, CONSIDERING LONG-TERM ENVIRONMENTAL                         fits well in the framework and delivers
                                                                               sustainable outcomes to help SMEs to
          IMPACTS                                                              achieve resource efficiency.


              HE circular economy is a new way   es stand to realise substantial profit from   • Collaborate with other businesses, poli-
              of creating value, and ultimately   the circular economy opportunities. Five   cymakers, and the informal economy.
         Tprosperity. It works by extending   recommendations could guide companies   • Invest in circular economy opportunities.
          product lifespan through improved design   seeking to capture this value.
          and servicing, and relocating waste from   • Build circular economy knowledge and   Profit opportunities for businesses
          the end of the supply chain to the begin-  capacity.                 through increasing innovation and de-
          ning – in effect, using resources more ef-  • Innovate to create new products and   mand for new business services: By apply-
          ficiently by using them over and over and   business  models  and  demonstrate  their   ing circular economy principles, business-
          only once.                        success.                           es could generate new ideas and explore
           Indian businesses  are  well placed  to   •  Integrate  circular  economy  principles   new ways of working, especially in digital
          lead the way in the transition. Business-  into strategy and processes.  technology. Indian innovation hubs could

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