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barrages,  and  especially  because  of  the   Figure3: Plastics in oceans and water bodies – impacts and pathway to
          addition of industrial effluents, the pol-  food chain
          lution loads in rivers have shot up signif-
          icantly. The experimental outcomes were
          encouraging when micro-algae-based
          water treatment technology was used
          on a 10-km stretch of river Mausam at
          Malegaon and 0.4 acres Lakshmi Tal at
          Jhansi on sample basis.

          Preventing land pollution
          The problem of land degradation is due
          to open dumping, open burning, spill-
          ages of oil and other contaminants etc,
          and other causes such as deforestation,
          overgrazing, agricultural activities, in-
          dustrialisation,  overexploitation  for  fuel
          wood, etc.
           Land  pollution  has  a  number  of  ad-
          verse effects on the physical, chemical,
          and biological properties of the land that
          reduces its productivity. Further, the land
          becomes the breeding ground for dis-
          ease-causing insects and vectors. Open
          burning and illegal dumping also allow
          the percolation of harmful substances in
          the food chain.
           It has also been seen from the records
          that more than 35 percent of the 50 big-
          gest landfill sites are located in the Asia
          and the Pacific.                  chain, and technological support to pre-  doors costs $5.11 trillion per year and has
           There is huge potential for imple-  vent the land degradation for realising   consequential health impact in terms of
          menting 3R and circular economic de-  circular economy.              non-communicable diseases, i.e. stroke,
          velopment strategies to prevent phys-                                heart disease, respiratory disease, and
          ical and chemical degradation of land   Prevention of air pollution  lung cancer.
          as well as effective utilisation of organic   Air pollution is an intensifying environ-  In terms of trans-state air pollution
          waste and biomass for sustainable farm-  mental challenge in Asia and the Pacific,   from biomass burning creating haze re-
          ing and energy. Remediation of already   where  uncontrolled,  unmonitored  and   quires green agriculture system for uti-
          polluted land, rehabilitation of deserted   unregulated biomass burning and open   lisation of biomass residue. Sustainable
          lands, landfill mining, utilisation of or-  burning from open dump sites is still   management of air emissions and air
          ganic waste and biomass for sustainable   inevitable. Air pollutants like particulate   quality management strategies are key to
          farming, continuous mass campaign to   matter, black carbon, methane, etc are   achieve circular economy.
          prevent open burning, waste recovery   released to the atmosphere, essentially
          through composting, and enforcing ap-  interrelated to short-lived climate pol-  Protection of coastal and marine
          propriate legislation encouraging earn-  lutants (SLCP) or greenhouse gas emis-  ecosystem
          ing from the waste recovered materials,   sions with significant impacts on human   The impact on coastal and marine eco-
          are some of the solutions. It is required   health, agriculture, forests, and habi-  systems due to poor waste disposal
          to have a national target for respective   tats. Air pollution affects environmental   practices, in particular plastics waste,
          states, national and state level strategies   health, social, and economic aspects. Ex-  is a major concern. Scientific studies
          and policy development,  robust  supply   posure to air pollution outdoors and in-  say more than 5 trillions of plastics are

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