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Table4: Top 10 medical devices imported by India
HS Code Product description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 CAGR %
901890 Other instruments and appliances of medical science 544.8 577.2 621.13 742.14 10.9
382200 Composite diagnostic/laboratory reagents excl goods of 346.13 360.53 423.54 476.31 11.2
heading 3002/3006
902780 Other instruments and apparatus of heading 9027 313.44 330.51 370.87 372.23 5.9
902790 Microtome; Parts and accessories of heading 9027 233.34 267 264.29 319.79 11.1
901839 Catheters and the like; Other needles 177.16 193.46 246.31 289.41 17.8
902290 Other, including parts and accessories 194.34 238.07 272.6 286.26 13.8
902720 Chromatographs and electrophoresis instrument 181.97 200.82 191.07 210.35 4.9
902214 Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses 127.22 108.35 151.56 187.99 13.9
902730 Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and spectrographs 141.05 138.57 171.35 176.12 7.7
using optical radiation
901812 Ultrasonic scanning apparatus 100.14 112.51 138.46 166.15 18.4
Source: DGCI&S
Table5: Top 5 products exhibiting highest import growth between 2015-16 and 2018-19
HS Code Product description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 CAGR %
901820 Ultra-violet/infra-red ray apparatus 0.77 0.77 1.32 2.73 52.5
901814 Scintigraphic apparatus 3.06 5.58 5.22 8.49 40.5
902213 Other, for dental uses 4.65 6.49 13.1 12.01 37.2
902219 Apparatus based on use of X-rays, for other use 44.53 69.07 79.06 97.61 29.9
including radiography /radiotherapy apparatus
902221 Apparatus based on use of alpha, beta/gama radiations 18.46 27.23 22.71 39.4 28.8
for medical, surgical, dental/veterinary use including
radiography/radiotherapy apparatus
Source: DGCI&S
Table6: Top 5 export destinations for India
Importer 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 CAGR %
USA 188.61 186.10 215.62 231.24 313.11 13.51
Singapore 85.15 89.29 95.24 85.08 111.78 7.04
China 74.87 78.02 84.13 88.91 99.13 7.27
Germany 59.73 57.21 65.25 83.55 79.61 7.44
Brazil 33.86 21.20 33.78 45.07 52.47 11.58
Source: ITC Trade Map