Page 47 - ie2 August 2019
P. 47

Table14: Export of aircrafts and spacecrafts ($ million)
          Country        June 18       June 19       Growth %       Apr-Jun 18-19  Apr-Jun 19-20  Growth %
          TOP 5 IMPORTERS
          USA            45.82         41.29         -9.88          143.55        124.46        -13.30
          UK             39.82         19.96         -49.89         79.72         46.93         -41.14
          France         22.16         10.68         -51.79         69.51         33.98         -51.12
          Singapore      27.96         8.42          -69.87         78.14         26.49         -66.10
          Malaysia       4.45          5.69          27.77          10.75         13.60         26.58
          Spain          0.13          0.33          165.83         0.46          0.96          110.64
          Israel         0.59          2.50          324.48         5.41          9.92          83.33
          Mexico         0.40          0.88          119.82         1.35          2.09          54.75
          Denmark        0.21          0.50          134.37         0.44          0.67          49.76
          Philippines    0.34          0.52          51.84          1.14          1.52          34.19
          Malaysia       4.45          5.69          27.77          10.75         13.60         26.58
          Sweden         0.73          0.67          -7.85          2.76          3.26          18.45
          Seychelles     19.63         0.01          -99.95         19.63         0.05          -99.73
          Belgium        0.31          0.02          -92.46         11.31         1.18          -89.59
          Switzerland    0.87          0.73          -15.82         14.03         3.25          -76.84
          Germany        8.98          5.29          -41.09         41.41         13.19         -68.16
          Singapore      27.96         8.42          -69.87         78.14         26.49         -66.10
          France         22.16         10.68         -51.79         69.51         33.98         -51.12
          Russia         1.57          0.26          -83.41         7.52          3.95          -47.46
          UK             39.82         19.96         -49.89         79.72         46.93         -41.14
          Source: Department of Commerce Government of India
          Table15: Export of ships boats and floating structures and parts ($ million)

          Country        June 18       June 19       Growth %       Apr-Jun 18-19  Apr-Jun 19-20  Growth %
          TOP 5 IMPORTERS
          UAE            96.65         93.17         -3.60          1046.69       948.06        -9.42
          Singapore      88.37         172.03        94.67          351.40        714.44        103.31
          Cyprus         0.00          0.00           -             0.00          349.98         -
          Malaysia       0.00          21.73          -             0.00          191.33         -
          Indonesia      17.48         28.08         60.60          37.07         89.70         142.00
          Bhutan         0.00          0.00           -             0.00          0.01          1275.97
          Denmark        0.00          0.00           -             0.01          0.05          476.83
          Mauritius      0.00          0.00           -             1.85          5.89          218.33
          Indonesia      17.48         28.08         60.60          37.07         89.70         142.00
          Singapore      88.37         172.03        94.67          351.40        714.44        103.31
          Australia      0.01          0.01          57.76          0.01          0.01          62.54

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  47
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52