Page 49 - ie2 August 2019
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respectively in India’s global import of the   three importers of India’s non-ferrous   •  Spain, Israel, and Mexico registered
          same.                             metals and products during  April-June   substantial growth of more than 50 per-
          •  Malaysia, Philippines, and China expe-  2019-20 with 16.7, 12.9, and 11.6 percent   cent in import of the product group from
          rienced more than 20 percent growth in   shares  respectively  in  India’s  global  im-  India  during  April-June  2019  as  com-
          import of products of iron and steel dur-  port of the same.         pared with the same period last fiscal.
          ing April-June 2019-20.           •  Singapore, Egypt, Malaysia, Poland,   •  On the flipside, demand for India’s air-
          •  Iraq,  Tanzania,  Oman,  Qatar,  and  Ku-  and Oman experienced more than 100   crafts and spacecrafts from Seychelles,
          wait conceded substantial decline in im-  percent growth in import of non-ferrous   Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Singa-
          ports by more than 30 percent for the   metals and products during  April-June   pore, and France dropped more than 50
          product group from India during April-  2019-20.                     percent on a y-o-y basis during  April-
          June 2019.                        •  Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Mexico   June 2019-20 when compared to April-
                                            conceded substantial decline in imports   June 2018-19.
          Export of industrial machinery    by more than 60 percent for the prod-
          •  USA was the largest importer of Indian   uct group from India during April-June   Export of ships, boats and floating
          industrial  machinery  during  April-June   2019-20 vis-à-vis same period last fiscal.  structures and parts
          2019-20 with 16.2 percent share in India’s                           •  UAE, Singapore, and Cyprus became
          global import of the product group. Thai-  Export of electrical machinery and   the largest importers of ships, boats and
          land and Bangladesh were the two imme-  components                   floating structures followed by Malaysia
          diate followers with 5.1 and 4.9 percent   •  USA, Germany, and UK were the   and Indonesia. Their respective shares
          shares respectively.              three top importers of Indian electri-  are 36.1, 27.2, 13.3, 7.28, and 3.41 per-
          •  Korea, Thailand, Nigeria, Japan, and   cal machinery and components during   cent.
          France were among the major importing   April-June 2019-20 with market shares   •  Imports  to  Cyprus  and  Malaysia  re-
          nations that witnessed highest growth in   of 27.25, 11.2, and 9.25 percent respec-  corded significantly large increase as
          imports of industrial machinery from   tively. Germany and France experienced   they had practically no imports in April-
          India during April-June 2019-20 over the   a drop in imports during  April-June   June 2018.
          same period last fiscal.          2019-20 compared to April-June 2018-  •  However, sharp decline was noticed in
          •  Among the major importers, Iran, Al-  19.                         exports to Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh.
          geria, Turkey, Spain, Saudi  Arabia, and   •  Mexico and Korea recorded more than   In fact exports to these countries have
          the Netherlands recorded over 20 percent   100 percent growth in imports from In-  been less than $5 million in April-June
          y-o-y decline in imports during  April-  dia during April-June 2019-20 vis-à-vis   2019-20. Whereas the exports dropped
          June 2019-20.                     April-June 2018-19. Nigeria, UK, and   to zilch for Belgium, Nigeria, Oman,
                                            Poland recorded more than 50 percent   Qatar, and South Africa.
          Export of automobiles             growth in imports of India’s electri-
          •  Mexico, South Africa, and USA were top   cal machinery and components during   Export of auto components
          three importers of India’s automobiles dur-  April-June 2019-20 when compared   •  USA remained the top importer of
          ing April-June 2019-20 with 14.2, 9.4, and 8.9   with April-June 2018-19.   auto components in April-June 2019-20
          percent shares respectively in India’s global   •  China experienced sharp decline in its   with a share of 23.37 percent. It was fol-
          exports over the same period last fiscal.   imports (73.23 percent) in  April-June   lowed by Brazil, Bangladesh, Germany,
          •  Israel, Vietnam, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and   2019-20 when compared to  April-June   and Turkey with respective shares of 5.4,
          Italy recorded over 100 percent growth in im-  2018-19. It is also the case for Japan and   4.8, 4.7, and 4.8 percent.
          ports of the product group from India dur-  Canada, which experienced more than   •  Saudi Arabia, Peru, and Malaysia re-
          ing April-June 2019-20 over the same month   45 percent drop.        corded maximum increase of more than
          last fiscal.                                                         70 percent in imports from April-June
          •  Argentina, Belgium, Egypt, and Australia   Export of aircrafts and spacecrafts  2019-20 when compared to  April-June
          saw their imports of automobiles fall by more   •  USA, UK, and France were the top   2018-19.
          than 65 percent during April-June 2019-20   three importers of India’s aircrafts and   •  However, Myanmar, Turkey, and Sri
          compared to the same period last fiscal.  spacecrafts during  April-June 2019-20   Lanka recorded significant decline of
                                            with around 39.57, 14.92, and 10.8 per-  more  than  30  percent  in  April-June
          Export of non-ferrous metals      cent shares respectively in India’s total   2019-20 when compared to  April-June
          •  Korea, USA, and Malaysia were the top   global exports of the product.   2018-19.

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  49
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54