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ical equipment such as Bhabhatrons and   of extended neighbourhood.  the Vice President of Tanzania. Six current
          phototherapy machines from India are   India and South Africa have been work-  or former chiefs of armed forces in Africa
          being used as lifesaving drugs and equip-  ing together right from the establishment   trained in India’s military institutions.
          ment in Africa.                   of the Indian Ocean Rim  Association   During the last four years, six IT centres
           In pursuance of the Asia Africa Growth   (IORA) in maritime affairs in 1997 and   were established in South Africa, Egypt,
          Corridor  trilateral  cooperation  among   BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South   Morocco, Lesotho, Ghana, Namibia, and
          India, Japan, and Africa, India is collab-  Africa) in 2010, as a gateway to the Afri-  Tanzania; a CGARD Technology Centre
          orating with Japan and Kenya to build a   can continent and two of the most recent   in Madagascar; seven vocational training
          cancer hospital, and is collaborating with   collaborations among others like the G-20   centres in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi,
          the UAE and is in discussion with Ethio-  and the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA)   Burkina Faso, the Gambia, Zimbabwe,
          pia to set up a Centre for IT Excellence.   Dialogue Forum.          and Egypt. A technology centre was also
          India is also helping the African countries   Every year, thousands of bright minds   established in Zimbabwe. Entrepreneur-
          to bridge the digital divide.     from the  African continent come on   ship centres are being set up in some
           The India-South  Africa Three-Year   self-financing basis to Indian universities   countries. Several similar projects are at
          Strategic  Programme  of  Cooperation   and  colleges.  As  many  as  13  current  or   various stages of execution.
          (2019-21) is an instance of the cardinal   former Presidents, Prime Ministers, and   India is one of the largest contributors
          ‘Look West’ or ‘Link West’ policy of In-  Vice-Presidents in  Africa have attended   to UN Peacekeeping Missions in  Africa
          dia, moving beyond the generic notion of   educational or training institutions in   which have played an important role in
          associating West and Central Asia within   India. The list includes the current Pres-  bringing peace and stability to the Afri-
          the concept, refurbishing the importance   idents of Nigeria and Mozambique and   can continent.

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