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•  Africa has over 85 percent of the   ereign states, nine territories and two de   million–600,000 years BP) have been dis-
          world’s elephants and over 99 percent of   facto independent states with limited or   covered.
          the  remaining lions are on  the  African   no recognition.           After the evolution of Homo sapiens
          continent.                          Africa’s average population is the   approximately 150,000 to 100,000 years
          •  The Serengeti (Tanzania) hosts the   youngest amongst all the continents; the   BP in  Africa,  the continent  was mainly
          world’s largest wildlife migration on   median age in 2012 was 19.7, when the   populated by groups of hunter-gatherers.
          earth with over 750,000 zebra marching   worldwide median age was 30.4. Algeria   These first modern humans left  Africa
          ahead of 1.2 million wildebeest as they   is  Africa’s largest country by area, and   and populated the rest of the globe dur-
          cross this amazing landscape.     Nigeria is its largest by population. Afri-  ing the Out of Africa II migration dated
          •  Africa is the world’s second driest con-  ca straddles the equator and encompass-  to approximately 50,000 years BP, exiting
          tinent (after Australia).         es numerous climate areas; it is the only   the continent either across Bab-el-Man-
          •  The continent has the largest reserves   continent to stretch from the northern   deb over the Red Sea, the Strait of Gibral-
          of precious metals with over 40 percent   temperate to southern temperate zones.  tar in Morocco, or the Isthmus of Suez in
          of the gold, over 60 percent of cobalt, and   Africa hosts a large diversity of ethnic-  Egypt.
          90 percent of the platinum reserves.  ities, cultures, and languages. In the late   Other migrations of modern humans
          •  Lake  Victoria is the second-largest   19th century, European countries colo-  within  the African  continent  have  been
          freshwater lake in the world.     nised almost all of Africa; most present   dated to that time, with evidence of early
          •  Africa has eight of the 11 major biomes   states in Africa originated from a process   human settlement found in Southern Af-
          and the largest remaining populations of   of decolonisation in the 20th century. Af-  rica, Southeast Africa, North Africa, and
          lion, elephant, rhinoceros, cheetah, hye-  rican nations cooperate through the es-  the Sahara.
          na, and leopard in the world.     tablishment of the African Union, which   The size of the Sahara has historical-
           The canvas upon which the continent’s   is headquartered in Addis Ababa.  ly been extremely variable, with its area
          epic story is written is itself astonishing,                         rapidly  fluctuating  and  at  times  disap-
          and reason enough to visit. From the   Oldest inhabited territory    pearing, depending on global climatic
          tropical rainforests and glorious tropical   Africa  is  considered  by  most  paleoan-  conditions.  At the end of the Ice ages,
          coastline of Central Africa to the rippling   thropologists to be the oldest inhabit-  estimated to have been around 10,500
          dunes of the Namib Desert, from the sig-  ed territory on  earth,  with the human   BCE, the Sahara had again become a
          nature savannah of the Serengeti to jag-  species originating from the continent.   green fertile valley, and its African pop-
          ged mountains, green-tinged highlands   During the mid-20th century, anthro-  ulations returned from the interior and
          and  deep-gash  canyons  that  mark  the   pologists discovered many fossils and ev-  coastal highlands in sub-Saharan Africa,
          Great Rift Valley’s continental traverse –   idence of human occupation perhaps as   with rock art paintings depicting a fertile
          wherever one finds oneself on this big,   early as seven million years ago. Central   Sahara and large populations discovered
          beautiful continent, Africa has few peers   eastern Africa, particularly, is widely ac-  in  Tassilin’Ajjer  dating  back  perhaps  10
          when it comes to natural beauty.  cepted as the place of origin of humans   millennia. However, the warming and
           Africa is the world’s second-largest and   and the Hominidae clade (great apes), as   drying climate meant that by 5000 BCE,
          second most-populous continent, being   evidenced by the discovery of the earliest   the Sahara region was becoming increas-
          behind Asia in both categories. At about   hominids and their ancestors. The  Sa-  ingly dry and hostile. Around 3500 BCE,
          30.3 million km2 including adjacent is-  helanthropus tchadensis, Australopithecus   due to a tilt in the earth’s orbit, the Sa-
          lands, it covers 6 percent of earth’s total   africanus, A afarensis, Homo erectus, H   hara experienced a period of rapid deser-
          surface area and 20 percent of its land   habilis, and H ergaster, the earliest Homo   tification. The population trekked out of
          area. With 1.2 billion people as of 2016,   sapiens found in Ethiopia, date to cir-  the Sahara region towards the Nile Valley
          it accounts for about 16 percent of the   ca 200,000 years ago. Fossil remains of   below the Second Cataract where they
          world’s human population. The conti-  several species of early apelike humans   made permanent or semi-permanent set-
          nent is surrounded by the Mediterranean   thought to have evolved into modern   tlements. A major climatic recession oc-
          Sea to the north, the Isthmus of Suez and   man, such as  Australopithecus afarensis   curred, lessening the heavy and persistent
          the Red Sea to the northeast, the Indian   (radiometrically dated to approximate-  rains in Central and Eastern Africa. Since
          Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic   ly 3.9-3 million years BP (BP = before   this time, dry conditions have prevailed
          Ocean to the west. The continent in-  present, used to measure radiocarbon   in Eastern Africa and, increasingly during
          cludes Madagascar and various archipel-  ages), Paranthropusboisei (c. 2.3-1.4 mil-  the last 200 years, in Ethiopia.
          agos. It contains 54 fully recognised sov-  lion years BP) and Homo ergaster (c. 1.9   The domestication of cattle in Africa

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