Page 68 - ie2 August 2019
P. 68



           Modern buildings in Gaborone

              OTSWANA, one of  Africa’s most   diplomatic relations with Botswana im-  dustries in Botswana. Botswana opened
              stable countries, is the continent’s   mediately after its independence in 1966   a trade office called the Botswana Export
         Blongest continuous multi-party de-  and opened its diplomatic mission in   Development and Investment  Authority
          mocracy. Sparsely populated, Botswana   Gaborone in 1987. Botswana established   (BEDIA) in Mumbai in 2010. The office
          protects some of Africa’s largest areas of   its Mission in New Delhi in 2006.  was subsequently renamed the Botswana
          wilderness. Safari-based tourism – tight-  Botswana is an active member of   Investment and Trade Centre (BITC).
          ly-controlled and often upmarket – is an   Southern  African Development Com-  India’s engineering exports to Botswa-
          important source of income. Botswana is   munity (SADC), South African Customs   na have also increased from $7.98 million
          the world’s largest producer of diamonds   Union (SACU),  WTO and other  Inter-  in 2016-17 to $11.83 million in 2017-18,
          and the trade has transformed it into a   national organisations. Botswana offers   recording a high growth of 48.25 percent.
          middle-income nation. The country has   a business-friendly atmosphere and wel-  The major engineering exports to Bot-
          one of Africa’s most-advanced treatment   comes foreign investment. Botswana State   swana are products of iron and steel, in-
          programmes, however, and medicine for   Enterprises such as Local Enterprise Au-  dustrial machinery for dairy, agriculture,
          the virus is readily available.   thority, Botswana Investment and Trade   food  processing,  textiles,  paper,  chem-
           India’s relations with Botswana have   Centre (BITC) have played an important   icals,  etc, and  electric  machinery  and
          been close and friendly. India established   role in the development of small scale in-  equipment.

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