Page 69 - ie2 August 2019
P. 69

Gaborone growing fast
          Gaborone the capital and largest city of
          Botswana will be host to Global Expo                  Global Expo Botswana
          Botswana. It has a population of 231,626
          based on the 2011 census, about 10 per-
          cent of the total population of Botswana.
          Its agglomeration is home to 421,907 in-
          habitants at the 2011 census.
           Gaborone City is situated between
          Kgale and Oodi Hills, near the conflu-
          ence of Rivers Notwane and Segoditshane
          in the southeastern corner of Botswana,
          and 15 km from the South African bor-
          der. The city is served by the Sir Seretse
          Khama International Airport. It is an ad-
          ministrative district in its own right, but
          is the capital of the surrounding South-
          east District. Locals often refer to the city
          as Gabs.
           The city of Gaborone is named after
          Chief Gaborone of the Tlokwa tribe, who
          once controlled land nearby. Because it
          had no tribal affiliation and was close to     The Global Expo Botswana being held over   business in one of Africa’s stable and fastest
          fresh water, the city was planned to be   6-9 August 2019 in Gaborone is the largest   growing economies as well as the Southern
          the capital in the mid-1960s when the   business meet in the southern African country   African region.
                                               organised by BITC (Botswana Investment and
                                                                                Visitors at the event include international
          Bechuanaland  Protectorate  became  an   Trade Centre). GEB was conceptualised as   buyers, government procurement agencies,
          independent  nation.  The  centre  of  the   a premier business-to-business exposition   product importers and agents, small , mid-,
          city is a long strip of commercial busi-  to attract foreign direct investment, expand   and large-scale wholesale traders and retail-
          nesses, called Main Mall with a semicir-  of domestic investment, promote exports of   ers from southern Africa, traders and industry
          cle-shaped area of government offices   locally produced goods and services, and   representatives from surrounding countries
          to its west. Gaborone is one of the fast-  promote trade between Botswana and other   like South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namib-
          est-growing cities in the world.     countries.                     ia. The theme for the Global Expo Botswana
           Gaborone is the economic capital as   GEB is a major trade and investment plat-  2019 is ‘Harnessing the power of emerging
          well as the government capital; it is head-  form offering exhibitors an opportunity to do   markets for economic growth.’
          quarters to numerous companies and the
          Botswana Stock Exchange. Gaborone is
          also home to the Southern African De-
          velopment Community (SADC), a re-  centrally located, as well as the head-  Khama Crescent and Nelson Mandela
          gional economic community established   quarters for  Air Botswana, Consumer   Drive. It has a unique style of architec-
          in 1980. Many languages are spoken   Watchdog, Botswana Telecommunica-  ture that allows the optimal amount of
          there, Setswana (Tswana) being the main   tions Corporation, and Debswana, the   indirect sunlight to shine through the
          tongue. English, Kalanga, and Kgalagadi   joint diamond mining venture between   windows in order to accurately sort di-
          are also spoken.                  De Beers and the Botswana government.   amonds.
                                            Several international companies have in-  A Diamond Technology Park was
          Centre of national economy        vested in the city, among them Hyundai,   recently opened; this is as part of Bot-
          Gaborone is the centre of the national   SABMiller, Daewoo, Volvo, and Siemens.   swana government’s vision for establish-
          economy. The headquarters of important   Orapa House, owned by Debswana,   ment of downstream diamond industry.
          financial institutions such as the Bank of   is where the diamonds mined from   Companies dealing in diamonds have
          Botswana, Bank Gaborone, Banc  ABC,   Debswana are sorted and valued. Orapa   established their local operations in the
          and  the  Botswana  Stock  Exchange  are   House is located at the intersection of   park

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