Page 72 - ie2 August 2019
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         year 2018. India being one of the leading
         suppliers to Nigeria, the Nigerian author-
         ities are encouraging the participation of      Nigeria Pharma Manufacturers’ Expo
         Indian firms. Nigeria accounts for about
         17 percent of India’s engineering export                             sector to exchange information, products,
         to the African Continent.                                            services and ideas towards achieving the
                                                                              health-related Millennium Development Goals
         Lagos, most-populous city                                            and other developmental initiatives in Nigeria
         Lagos, which will host the 5th Nigeria                               and the West African region.
                                                                                The 5th Nigeria Pharma Manufacturers’
         Pharma Manufacturers’ Expo 2019, is a                                Expo 2019 is an excellent trade platform for
         city in the Nigerian state of Lagos. The                             India machineries and engineering equipments
         city, with its adjoining conurbation, is                             for the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on
         the most populous in Nigeria and on the                              Central and West African markets and present-
         African  continent.  It  is  one  of  the  fast-                     ing a promising platform to Indian exporters
         est-growing cities in the world and one                              to assist in international trade. Over 4000
         of the most populous urban areas. Lagos                              pharma trade professionals from across the
         is a major financial centre in Africa; the                           region including Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Chad,
         megacity has the fourth-highest GDP in                               Cameroon, EQ Guinea, Central African Repub-
         Africa and houses one of the largest and     The Nigeria Pharma Manufacturers’ Expo, to   lic, Senegal, the Gambia, Ivory Coast, Niger,
         busiest seaports on the continent.   be held over 28-29 August 2019 in Lagos, is   Burkina Faso, and Benin amongst others are
           Lagos initially emerged as a port city   an opportunity for stakeholders in the health   expected to attend this exhibition.
         that originated on a collection of islands,
         which  are  contained  in  the  present-day
         local government areas (LGAs) of Lagos
         Island, Eti-Osa, Amuwo-Odofin and Apa-  creation. However, the state capital was   Africa  and  potentially,  the  biggest  ICT
         pa. The islands are separated by creeks,   later moved to Ikeja in 1976, and the fed-  market in the continent. Lagos is devel-
         fringing the southwest mouth of Lagos   eral capital moved to Abuja in 1991. Even   oping  a 24-hour  economy and  has also
         Lagoon, while being protected from the   though Lagos is still widely referred to as   been ranked as one of the most expen-
         Atlantic Ocean by barrier islands and   a city, the present day Lagos, also known   sive cities in the world. In some parts of
         long sand spits such as Bar Beach, which   as Metropolitan Lagos, and officially as   Lagos, residents have one of the highest
         stretch up to 100 km east and west of the   Lagos Metropolitan Area is an urban ag-  standards of living in Nigeria and in Af-
         mouth.  Due  to  rapid  urbanisation,  the   glomeration or conurbation, consisting   rica. At the same time, a sizeable propor-
         city expanded to the west of the lagoon   of 20 LGAs, 32 LCDAs including Ikeja,   tion of the residents live in slums without
         to include areas in the present-day Lagos   the state capital of Lagos State. This con-  access to piped water and sanitation.
         Mainland, Ajeromi-Ifelodun, and Surul-  urbation makes up 37 percent of Lagos   The Port of Lagos is Nigeria’s leading
         ere. This led to the classification of Lagos   State’s total land area, but houses about   port and one of the largest and busiest in
         into two main areas: the Island, which   85 percent of the state’s total population.   Africa. It is administered by the Nigerian
         was the initial city of Lagos, before it ex-                          Ports Authority and it is split into three
         panded into the area known as the Main-  Economy of Lagos             main  sections: Lagos port, in the  main
         land. This city area was governed directly   The  city  of  Lagos  is  a  major  economic   channel next to Lagos Island; Apapa Port,
         by the Federal Government through the   focal point in Nigeria, generating around   site of the container terminal; and Tin
         Lagos City Council, until the creation   10 percent of the country’s GDP. Most   Can Port, both located in Badagry Creek,
         of Lagos State in 1967, which led to the   commercial and financial business is car-  which flows into Lagos Harbour from the
         splitting of Lagos city into the seven   ried out in the central business district   west. The port features a railhead. The
         LGAs, and an addition of other towns   situated on the island. This is also where   port has seen growing amounts of crude
         (which now make up 13 LGAs) from the   most of the country’s commercial banks,   oil  exported,  with  export  figures  rising
         then Western Region, to form the state.   financial institutions and major corpora-  between 1997 and 2000. Oil and petrole-
           Lagos, the capital of Nigeria since its   tions are headquartered. Lagos is also the   um products provide 14 percent of GDP
         amalgamation in 1914, went on to be-  major information communications and   and 90 percent of foreign exchange earn-
         come the capital of Lagos State after its   telecommunications (ICT)  hub of West   ings in Nigeria as a whole.

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