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          India-Indonesia bilateral trade

                    EEPC INDIA               Table1: India-Indonesia bilateral trade ($ million)

                                                             2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  CAGR
           NDONESIA has been a key econom-
           ic partner for India in Southeast Asia   India’s total exports to   4043.32  2819.49  3488.12  3963.77  5275.6  6.9%
         Iwith the relationship between the two   Indonesia
         countries stretching back almost two
         millennia. The two countries recently   India’s total imports   15004.64  13131.93  13427.99  16438.8  15843.94  1.4%
                                             from Indonesia
         celebrated 70 years of bilateral relations.
         Not just history; the two nations also   Total trade  19047.96  15951.42  16916.11  20402.57  21119.54  2.6%
         share contemporary issues. Both the na-
         tions are plural; both have adopted liber-
         alisation and have fast-spaced economies.   BOT     -10961.3  -10312.4  -9939.87  -12475  -10568.3
         India  regards  Indonesia  as  a  key  ally  in   Source:
         ASEAN. Further Indonesia is playing a
         significant strategic role in helping India
         enhance its association with the other   cuses on India-Indonesia bilateral trade   among the top 10 trading partners of
         ASEAN countries. Both India and Indo-  over the years – pre- and post-ASE-  India during the  last three  years.  The
         nesia are member states of the G-20, the   AN-India FTA (AIFTA) and suggest ways   growth in exports from India to Indone-
         E-7 countries, the Nonaligned Move-  of narrowing the balance of trade.   sia during 2018-19 vis-à-vis 2017-18 was
         ment, and the United Nations.                                         33.1 percent while the growth in global
           In recent times, both India and Indo-  Indonesia’s economy in brief  exports from India was 8.75 percent dur-
         nesia have increasingly become more   Indonesia has made remarkable progress   ing the same. There has been negative
         important in each other’s trade baskets.   in its social and economic development   growth in imports from Indonesia to
         However, recently India has raised con-  in the past few decades. Since the 1998   India (3.62 percent) but India’s global
         cerns over the rising trade deficit with In-  Asian financial crisis, its economy has   imports have increased by 10.41 percent
         donesia, which has reached $10.57 billion   grown tenfold and per capita income   during the period. The top items for
         in the last concluding fiscal 2018-19. Our   eightfold.               which India recorded substantial trade
         balance of trade is heavily in favour of   Indonesia’s GDP growth rate in 2018   deficit in 2018-19 as against 2017-18 were
         Indonesia and thus both countries need   stood  at 5.2 percent and ranked 6th   mineral fuels, animal or vegetable fats
         to work towards establishing sustainable   among the 10 ASEAN nations (https: //  and oils, ores, chemical products, rubber
         trade by diversifying the export basket.  and articles, inorganic chemicals, paper
           On these lines, a meeting was held be-  omy#tabs-0-0).              and paperboard, wooden articles, pulp of
         tween Prime  Minister Narendra  Modi   Indonesia’s per capita GDP growth   wood, and manmade fibres, etc.
         and Indonesia’s President Joko  Widodo   is expected at 4 percent in 2019 and 4.1   India’s balance of trade, which is heav-
         where the leaders discussed ways to deep-  percent in 2020 as per the ADB (https: //  ily in favour of Indonesia, has raised se-
         en trade and enhance cooperation in a  rious concerns and remedial measures
         number of key areas including economy,   omy#tabs-0-1).               are sought. The Indian government feels
         defence, and maritime security. During                                that there is considerable potential for
         the meet, the two leaders pledged to dou-  India-Indonesia bilateral trade  expanding trade in the agricultural, auto-
         ble their efforts to boost bilateral trade to   Indonesia is the second-largest trading   mobiles, engineering products, IT, phar-
         $50 billion by 2025.               partner of India among the ASEAN na-  maceuticals, biotechnology, and health-
           Given this background, this article fo-  tions after Singapore. Indonesia ranked   care sectors.

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  75
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80