Page 80 - ie2 August 2019
P. 80


          Table4: Share of India’s exports in Indonesia’s import basket ($ million) contd

          Products                                                      Major players   Imports in 2018   Share (%)
          Pumps                                                         1.China      382.38        29.82
                                                                        2.Japan      287.09        22.39
                                                                        3.USA        117.34        9.15
                                                                        4.Thailand   89.47         6.98

                                                                        5.Australia  68.70         5.36
                                                                        10.India     20.73         1.62
          Air condition and refrigeration machinery parts               1.China      1223.34       46.06
                                                                        2.Thailand   393.22        14.80
                                                                        3.Japan      243.43        9.16
                                                                        4.USA        137.60        5.18

                                                                        5.Malaysia   122.34        4.61
                                                                        9.India      58.91         2.22
          Machinery for ATMs, injecting moulding machinery, valves, etc  1.China     77.92         23.81
                                                                        2.Japan      51.89         15.85
                                                                        3.Australia  42.17         12.88
                                                                        4.Singapore  24.84         7.59
                                                                        5.USA        24.66         7.53
                                                                        7.India      15.48         4.73

          Two and three wheelers                                        1.Vietnam    21.09         25.55
                                                                        2.Japan      15.66         18.96
                                                                        3.Germany    15.30         18.54
                                                                        4.Thailand   12.21         14.79
                                                                        5.China      7.72          9.35
                                                                        6.India      4.41          5.34


          Developing well-connected quality ports,   hance air connectivity, and carry tourist   documents and proper coordination be-
          projects  including  Kaladan  Multi-Mod-  and business travellers, high-value fragile   tween border authorities.
          al Transit Transport and India-Myan-  goods and perishable commodities in   However, India’s exports shares to In-
          mar-Thailand Trilateral Highway (ex-  shorter time.                  donesia will be pale in comparison to
          pected by the year 2019) are welcome   Alongside, India must focus on en-  China, if India is not able to climb up the
          steps in this regard.             couraging and adopting trade facilita-  value chain. Thus technology upgrada-
           ASEAN-India Air Connectivity Report   tion measures like simplification and   tion is the only way for India to buckle up
          of ASEAN-India Centre at RISDC high-  harmonisation of trade procedures, set-  and move up the value chain.
          lights the importance of  ASEAN-India   ting regional single windows for custom   The technology intensity of India’s
          Air Transport Agreement, which will en-  clearance, recognition of custom transit   engineering  export portfolio  has not

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