Page 85 - ie2 August 2019
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Trend in overall IIP and manufacturing growth from April 2017


                    Apr-17  May-17  Jun-17  Jul-17  Aug-17  Sep-17  Oct-17  Nov-17  Dec-17  Jan-18  Feb-18  Mar-18  Apr-18  May-18  Jun-18  Jul-18  Aug-18  Sep-18  Oct-18  Nov-18  Dec-18  Jan-19  Feb-19  Mar-19  Apr-19  May-19

         Source: CSO, EEPC Research

         Output growth in engineering sector as measured in IIP
         The table above shows the y-o-y production growth of the subsectors of manufacturing that apparently fall under the engineering
         sector. During May 2019, three out of six industry groups (as per two-digit NIC-2008) recorded y-o-y decline in output as depicted
         in the table. On a cumulative basis during April-May 2019-20, three product groups conceded decline in output over the same period
         last fiscal.
          Output growth in subsectors of manufacturing that fall under engineering sector
          Industry code  Description of the segment      Weight in IIP (%)  Growth y-o-y in May 2019  Growth in Apr-May 2019-20
          24          Manufacture of basic metals        12.80         7.6                8.0
          25          Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except   2.65  -8.7       -9.6
                      machinery and equipment
          27          Manufacture of electrical equipment  3.00        -2.6               1.0
          28          Manufacture of machinery and equipment  4.77     2.3                2.4
          29          Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers  4.86  -6.2  -5.6
          30          Manufacture of other transport equipment  1.78   2.0                -1.0
          Source: CSO, MOSPI, Govt of India

          Indian foreign trade: June 2019 (Merchandise)

          •  During June 2019, merchandise ex-  conceded 7.52 percent decline in the re-  period  April-June 2019-20 was $127.04
          ports from India declined for the first   porting month.             billion as against $127.41 billion during
          time in fiscal 2019-20 on a y-o-y basis.   •  Cumulative merchandise exports dur-  the period of April-June 2018-19, regis-
          After  registering  0.64  percent  and  3.93   ing April-June 2019-20 were $81.08 bil-  tering a negative growth of 0.29 percent.
          percent growth in the first two months   lion, which was 1.69 percent lower than   •  The trade deficit in June 2019 nar-
          of this fiscal respectively, the month of   the $82.47 billion of exports recorded   rowed down by 8 percent to $15.28 bil-
          June 2019 saw 9.71 percent decline in In-  during the same period last fiscal.
          dia’s merchandise exports over the same   •  Imports in June 2019 were $40.29 bil-  lion from $16.6 billion in June 2018. On
          month last fiscal. During the month,   lion, which was 9.06 percent lower in dol-  a cumulative basis, trade deficit mounted
          merchandise export was at $25.01 billion   lar terms over imports of $44.3 billion in   by 2.3 percent to $45.96 billion in April-
          as against $27.7 billion in June 2018. In   June 2018.               June 2019-20 from $44.94 billion during
          rupee terms also, merchandise exports   •  Cumulative value of imports for the   the same period last fiscal.

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  85
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90