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3rd EEPC India chapter in Jamshedpur EEPC India is currently operating with 10 offices in eight cities and
EEPC India opened its third chapter in Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) on 3 over 13,000 members. It needs to service the engineering sector, which is
July 2019. EEPC India is on an expansion mode with the plans to open spread across the country. Many industry segments are located in smaller
17 chapters in 16 states across India. This year, three chapters were towns where engineering exporters find it difficult to avail of its services.
inaugurated in a row – Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, Bhilai in Chhattisgarh, (4) Mr BD Agarwal, Regional Chairman (ER), EEPC India, delivering
and now Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. The Steel City and home to the first the welcome address. On his right, Mr Dipan Mitra, Manager, National
private iron and steel company of India, is the headquarters of the East Stock Exchange; Ms Anima Pandey, Regional Director (ER) and Director
Singhbhum district of Jharkhand and rich in minerals, including iron (Membership), and Mr Inder Agarwal, Convenor, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)
ore, coal, manganese, bauxite, and lime. Jamshedpur is the industrial Chapter, EEPC India; Ms Ranjana Mishra, Regional Deputy Director,
capital of Jharkhand endowed with modern industries in iron and steel,
truck manufacturing, tinplate production, cement, and other small- and Jharkhand Industrial Area Development Authority (JIADA), Adityapur
medium- scale industries revolving around these products, Mr BD Region; and Mr Pawan Sureka, Chairman, Functional Committee, Export
Agarwal, Regional Chairman (ER), EEPC India, said in his address at the Awareness (ER), EEPC India. (5) Ms Ranjana Mishra, Regional Deputy
inaugural session. Mr Inder Kumar Agarwal was named Convenor of the Director, JIADA, Adityapur Region lighting the inaugural lamp.
Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) Chapter, EEPC India. (6) Mr Inder Agarwal, receiving the plaque from Mr BD Agarwal.