Page 18 - 1106-昆明留学生杂志-RGB
P. 18
幸运于我一个“茶盲”有这样的机会深入著名的古树茶产地, 通过深入研究学生的文书,我的质疑和遗憾都释然了:我发
身心俱受洗礼;幸运于我们在艰苦的条件下克服困难,受益 现了孩子们的思考,思考了古法普洱茶制作工艺的改进空间,
良多,坚定了我将活动本地化的信念;更加幸运于申请的结 思考了普洱茶包装的改良方式,思考了普洱茶销售渠道的创
果:截止到撰写此文,此行的 5 名学生中的 4 个当季申请者, 新办法等;我也发现了孩子们的成长,说实话,因为一个活
提前批已有 2 个纽约大学,1 个宾州州立大学的录取,相信 动萌生一个大学的申请念头是不真实的,但却可以坚定他们
常规申请阶段,会给我们更多的惊喜。 对于大学的向往,清晰他们申请某个大学某个专业的原因,
在今年申请的 4 个学生的活动列表和文书中,我都发现了这
最后,简单回顾下活动素材如何在两位被纽约大学录 At the moment, I still feel that I have
取文书中使用: not done enough to share Pu Er with
a more extensive consumer base.
“I led a group of peers to the Manlu tea
I would like to fundamentally solve
mountain in Lincang County in southwestern
the market problem that currently
China. This area is the best known for their
restricts the popularization of the
Pu’er tea and in the early spring, tea leaves
tea, but I do not have the knowledge
are plucked carefully and dried. Although, they
or ability to do so yet. My love for my
face much difficulty in selling tea. We contacted
diverse home and its many treasures
the Yuancheng Pu’er Tea Trading Corporation
has motivated my interest in
and invited Hui Zhao, an expert in this company,
studying business and economics in
to hold a private seminar in his office about
college. Therefore, I am particularly
Pu’erh tea. We recorded the seminar and
interested in NYU’s College of
promoted the video on China’s leading social
Arts and Science Program, which
media app, Wechat. In addition, I started an
offers a groundbreaking approach to
official account on Wechat providing the health
business education.
benefits and uses of Pu’erh Tea that could be
accessed when scanning the QR code on the (节选自 G 同学 NYU 补充文书 -Why
packaging of the tea.” NYU,最终被纽约大学 ED1 录取)
(节选自 H 同学 Personal Statement,最终被纽
约大学 ED2 录取)
——图 / 陈馨莱摄