Page 117 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 117

Life with
                                                     My Dogs

                                                                                             by Katie Dixon

           My name is Katie Dixon, I live with my husband      be happy
           Matt, my two children Florence aged 5 and           with our size
           Willow aged 7 months and I also live with my        garden and
           two fur children, our ETT’s Monty and Freddie.      fit around
           We live in Wiltshire near Bath.  From a young       our lifestyle.
           age I was always surrounded by dogs.  My            We also had
           Auntie bred and showed Dalmatians which got         Florence to
           me into showing and I loved it.  I have competed    consider as
           at Open and Championship show level even            she was 3 at
           having some big wins in breed and YKC               the time.  We
           handling.  My favourite memory was winning first    went through
           in the junior handling at Windsor Champ show.  I    a list of
           was also ‘junior handler of the year’ twice at my   factors and I
           local training club.  This led me to opportunities   suggested an English Toy Terrier.  We went to a
           of people trusting me to show their dogs which I    local open show so Matt and Florence could see
           found a huge honour.  I always enjoyed showing      what they were like and we spoke to a couple
           smaller breeds and said one day when I have a       of breeders there who were really helpful but
           home of my own and time, I’ll have a ‘toy’ breed    didn’t have litters due at the time.  We were then
           of some sort.  I then took a 10 year break from     put in touch with the lovely Jan Fiers (Lokeren).
           showing where I did various things like train       Jan has been incredibly supportive and helpful,
           to become a hairstylist, get married and have       we know Monty is as lovely as he is because
                                             children.         he came from a loving home.  Matt and I drove
                                             Which leads       from Wiltshire to Derby to get Monty – he was
                                             me on to          worth the long drive.  Monty has taught us so
                                             how I got my      much about the breed, he’s very clever and
                                             wonderful         picks things up quite quickly. We did The Kennel
                                             English Toy       Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme, where he
                                             Terriers.         completed his Puppy Foundation.  Florence
                                                               absolutely adores him and the bond that they
                                             Matt and I        share is amazing.  Florence is our chatty, lively,
                                             both really       bubbly little star – she cannot wait to start junior
                                             wanted a          handling and I can’t wait for her to join the YKC
                                             dog; we           and becoming more involved in my dog showing
                                             knew that         passions, where I’m sure she will succeed.
                                             we’d need         Unfortunately, because of when we got Monty,
                                             a breed           we’ve only been able to do two shows with him
                                             that would        so far due to lockdowns.

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