Page 114 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 114

Ch Phidgity Marquita Of Petrozanne                    Pug                      B       1949
             Ch Ducray Phidgity Phenella                           Pug                      B       1950
             Ch Phidgity Farmford Phyllida                         Pug                      B       1954
             Ch Phidgity Fuss Of Willingford                       Pug                      B       1956
             Ch Phidgity Phlyhigh                                  Pug                      D       1958
             Ch Phidgity Phiesta Of Rosecoppice                    Pug                      B       1971

           From the Kennel Club                                                   my mother as her second
           records accessible on-line                                             in command, under the
           there are 312 Phidgity dogs                                            aegis of SOE then took
           of which 149 were Bull                                                 charge of a large team
           Terriers, 80 Dalmatians,                                               of communicators that
           71 Pugs, 12 English Toy                                                was shipped out to India
           Terriers and 3 each Toy and                                            and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to
           Standard Poodles.  These                                               organise communications
           appear to date back no                                                 links.  It was then in the
           further than the Second                                                1948 New Year’s Honours
           World War, though that is                                              that Busty was awarded
           not clear as a proportion of                                           the MBE “for services in
           the records show no date                                               South East Asia prior to
           of birth; the earliest date                                            September 1945”.
           was 1946.  Thus, tracing
           involvement in English Toy                                             Following the war, Sue
           Terriers before the war                                                resumed breeding Pugs,
           is going to involve some                                               living, initially near
           trawling through paper                                                 Ringwood in partnership
           records.                                                               with two others who bred
                                                                                  Keeshonds.  Busty went
           During the war years, the                                              into partnership with Mrs B
           Phidgity Kennels were                                                  D Mankin (Mudge) and Miss
           kept ticking over by Sue,                                              E L Scovell, with the Lenster
                                           Busty and Phidgity Bull Terrier Peanuts
           alongside involvement in the                                           affix, and then with Dot Vick
           Land Army.  Busty joined the                                           (Harpers).  Mudge initially
           Women’s Transport Service (First Aid Nursing        had the greatest involvement in English Toy
           Yeomanry), which involved driving ambulances        Terriers, producing many Lenster champions
           around the country, to start with.  This was not    and Busty joined her, breeding a number of
           as straightforward as it might sound as the road    ETTs under the Lenster and Leospride affixes
           signs had all been removed, making navigation       and then under the Phidgity affix: possibly the
           very interesting.  The ambulances in that era       first being Phidgity Brickabrack in January
           were also rather less reliable than today, with     1978.
           maintenance facilities being considerably less
           plentiful so they had to be very resourceful        When the English Toy Terrier Club held its first
           when the inevitable breakdowns occurred.            Championship show in 1963 it was judged by
           A peculiarity of the command structure of           Vernon Hurst; Busty was given the honour of
           the organisation that Busty had joined was          judging the second in 1964.  She later donated
           that it included the SOE (Special Operations        the Phidgity Trophy, awarded for Best in Show
           Executive).  Promoted to Captain, Busty, with       at one of the annual Open shows.

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