Page 109 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
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at Manchester the same month. He is a very name).
exciting prospect and should prove to be a real
asset to the Lasagesse kennel. Nick & Andy class amongst their proudest
achievements the unrivalled success that other
In a typically progressive move Nick & Andy people have enjoyed with their Witchstone
imported Bonwild She’s All That from Sari ETT’s; many of whom came to them for their
Laitinen in Finland. She is sired by Lulu’s brother first show dog or if not certainly their first ETT.
and is of perfect size and shape to help create They recall the stellar Bitch CC line up under
the next Witchstone chapter. Terry Nethercott where Nick and Telling Tails
were 2nd in Open and stood ring side waiting
“Adversity causes some men to for the chance to compete for the RCC. The CC
break; others to break records.” went to Open but the reserve CC went to Puppy.
After judging Terry apologised for not calling
The crowning of Ch Witchstone Place Your Telling Tails back in and waxed lyrical about
Bets JW and Ch Witchstone Fancy A Flutter the quality of his bitch line up. Nick shared with
JW in 2019 and the crowning of Ch Witchstone Terry what a landmark proud day it was for him
Unexpected Gift in January 2020 takes the total and Andy….. they had bred every bitch class
number of ETT Champions they have bred to winner.
38. The total number of ETT Champions that
they have bred, co-owned or owned in the UK Pre-pandemic, the Witchstone Kennel was
is now 43; more than any other kennel in the confirmed as the UK’s Top Breeders for an
history of the breed to date. In addition they impressive 16th consecutive year.
have also bred Champions in 7 other countries
taking their overall tally of ETT Champions to The Witchstone kennel name has allowed so
the magical half century. many new and established exhibitors/breeders
to enjoy success within our hobby. Of all the
Manchester 2020 was the last time they Witchstone Champions more than half have won
exhibited with Andy judging ETT’s at Crufts 2020 their CC’s and Champion titles handled by their
and then the pandemic. The Dog CC was won owners. A perfect example comes in the very
that day by Wendy & Dougie Imrie’s Witchstone recent success of Richard Forsythe and Moira
Black Hawk at Amalric (his 2nd) and the Bitch Bennet with their first foray into the world of
CC & BOB by Ch Witchstone Unexpected ETT’s. Both chose Witchstone to buy their show
Gift making that the 60th ‘CC Double’ for dogs dogs, both made them up to Champion at a very
bearing the Witchstone kennel name (where the young age with a plethora of CC’s. The highlight
Dog CC and Bitch CC both carry the Witchstone for them both must have been when Richard’s