Page 110 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 110

Ch Witchstone Tommy Hawk at Richpin JW             Nick has served on the Committee of
           won the Kennel Club Junior Warrant Final at        Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd for the last
           Crufts 2019 followed a year later by Moira’s Ch    10 years; the oldest dogs show society in the
           Witchstone Place Your Bets at Capledrae JW         UK and organisers of the prestigious National
           winning the overall final in 2020 as well.         Dog Show. He started as a Group Steward and
                                                              then became Chief Steward. He is currently a
           Nick and Andy look forward to watching the next    Director, the Show Architect and Chairman of
           generation of ETT breeders develop. They offer     Committee. A full circle for ETT breed history as
           their continued advice (when asked for) and        Stanley McKie of the famous Colvend ETT’s also
           hope that their aspirations are achieved. They     served on both the Committees of the Kennel
           are especially proud that established and new      Club and of Birmingham Dog Show Society
           breeders alike have included or have chosen        albeit 70 years ago. Nick also serves on the
           Witchstone bred dogs to be part of their future    Show Executive Council of The Kennel Club.
           breeding programmes; Etruria, Lasagesse,
           Peopleton, Amalric, Kikuchi, Tettoy, Vidra,        Nick and Andy hope their ‘story’ will firstly
           Boimans, ETT-ology and Nasabe.                     inspire others to join the English Toy Terrier
                                                              community and participate in our sport. It is also
           “Giving is the greatest act of                     hoped that it will encourage and motivate those
           grace.”                                            already in the sport by showing the art of what
                                                              is possible…… even for our vulnerable native
           Nick and Andy are both now equally focussed        British breed.
           on their judging and award CC’s in several Toy
           Breeds; with Nick also a Kennel Club approved
           Toy Group judge. The first highlight of any
           judge’s career has to be judging your Breed Club
           Championship Show and both
           Nick and Andy have had this
           honour. In March 2020, Andy
           had the ultimate privilege and
           judged ETT’s at Crufts; Nick
           has the same honour in 2022.

           They have both been avid
           supporters of The English Toy
           Terrier (Black & Tan) Club with
           a firm belief that if a sport/
           hobby ‘gives’ then you should
           also be willing to ‘give back’.
           Nick has been a serving Officer
           & Committee Member for 19
           years having held the role of
           Secretary for 7 years and then
           Chairman for a further 6. Andy
           has been a Breed Note writer
           for 20 years rarely missing a
           week of submitting News, Show
           Result and Articles to the Our
           Dogs newspaper.

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