Page 106 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
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a Champion before Graham, made his up think about their future in the breed and in the
too. Their next highlight came when Nick took sport of dog showing in general. Where ETT’s
the lead at Southern Counties and piloted Ch were concerned it was a simple question they
Witchstone New Star at Tettoy to win the faced - was it time to give up or time to re-build?
Group under Paolo Dondina. This gave Nick
“Born in the USA”
& Andy their fourth Group winning ETT and
Pat & Graham their second!! More importantly
it proved the strength of the Witchstone bitch In making new plans Andy was drawn to the top
line now producing three generations of winning Rustic Lane kennel in the USA and in
Championship Show Toy Group winning bitches. particular a bitch he had admired from photos on
the internet. By now Caroline & David Horowitz
With ‘Team Witchstone’ now on cruise control were well aware of the enviable breeding/
Andy decided he would like a new ‘adventure’ showing success Nick & Andy had enjoyed
and through his research and the advice combining USA and English bloodlines. In a bold
taken he found the Palacegarden Pekingese move, they asked if they could buy the USA’s
kennel of Jean & Jim Smith. Palacegarden top winning Toy Manchester Terrier; already a
Mahler arrived at Witchstone in the Spring on Grand Champion, a Speciality BIS winner and
2011. He instantly provided a breath of fresh an All-Breeds BIS winner. You can imagine how
air at a time when the pressure of staying thrilled they were when Caroline and co-owners
on top of their game was becoming more Arvind & Joyce De Braganca and Madonna
and more challenging. Andy soon became Lee agreed that BISS Gr Ch Rustic Lane Still
an accomplished groomer and was often Waters Deep aka Lulu would grace our shores.
complimented on his Pekingese presentation
skills. The highlight of Mahler’s show career
were qualifying for the final of the Pet Plan
Junior Stakes and then taking Best Puppy in
Show at Three Counties Championship Show.
Pat & Graham Newton (Tettoy) have always
been so supportive to Nick & Andy. Events
at that time had motivated them get involved
in the newly made ‘Witchstone’ plans and
offered to have final litter from Ch Witchstone
Like most of the consistently top performing/ Centre Fold by the now aging Randallcar
producing kennels in all breeds the road to Dream Lover. The aim was to produce a much
success often has ‘pot holes’ and the odd ‘fallen needed dog to keep. In 2015 they were gifted
tree’ to navigate around. This was no different with Ch Witchstone Talk Of The Town with
for the chaps at Witchstone. Despite retaining Tettoy aka Zade. He won CC’s from puppy
their ‘Top Breeders’ status from 2012 to 2014 and soon gained his Champions title as well
circumstances forced Nick & Andy to seriously as Championship Show Group Placings. He