Page 101 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 101

from this point they both had an ‘eye’ and were     28. Their Witchstone affix was granted in 1994.
           both fascinated with pedigrees. They soon
           established a highly respected Siamese ‘Cattery’    For their first ‘Witchstone’ litter they mated Folly
           under the Dazzling prefix and specialised in the    back to her grand-sire Hillsdown Fergal. This
           rare Cream Point Siamese as well as Tabby           classic mating produced Witchstone Tears In
           Points. They owned the first ever Cream Point       Heaven, a double CC and multi-RCC winning
           Grand Champion female and bred one of the           whippet who was placed Group 4 at SKC and
           most outstanding Cream Points Gr Ch Dazzling        Chiming Bells at Courthill, the foundation
           Devilindisguise. They made up a host of             bitch for the now well established and respected
           Champions mainly Redd, Cream, Tortie and            Supetas whippets.
           Tabby Points and won Best in Show awards at
                                                               Time for Toys
           all of the UK’s regional and national Siamese
           Speciality Shows.
                                                               Nick and Andy would always stay and
           Finding Dog Shows                                   watch Group/Best in Show judging at all

                                                               the Championship and Open Shows they
           In December 1993 they visited their first dog       attended. They loved talking to ‘top’ breeders
           show; The Ladies Kennel Association. Arriving       and ‘winning’ exhibitors; picking their brains
           mid-afternoon they had not realised that most       and understanding the keys to success. It was
           of the judging had already been completed. As       not long before they developed an appetite to
           such the halls were very empty with very few        compete at Group level.
           dogs to actually see. Of course, the exhibitors
           and dogs present were those waiting to compete      There were entries of 250 plus whippets at
           in the Group finals. They spotted a beautiful       Championship Shows with a plethora of well-
           blue brindle parti-colour whippet sat alone on      established and worldwide respected breeders
           the benches. Her older sister and breeder Roger     to compete against. They soon realised that
           Stock competing in the Hound Group. By the          a numerically smaller breed may give a more
           end of January, Courthill Casting Shadows           realistic opportunity to achieve their ambitions.
           aka Folly, was living in Derby. She was sired
           by the Crufts Best in Show winner Ch Pencloe                                Italian Greyhounds had
           Dutch Gold out of a Shalfleet bred Courthill                                a natural appeal and
           bitch. Folly taught us the dog showing ropes.                               for a number of years
           Their first taste of show success came from                                 Nick & Andy exhibited
           winning local match nights and ‘Dog of the Year’                            them with a degree
           competitions. Folly won numerous Best in Show                               of success winning
           and Groups at Open Show level and even a 1st                                a number of CC’s as
           in Junior at Driffield Ch Show from an entry of                             well as breeding the
                                                                                       very pretty blue bitch
                                                                                       Ch Witchstone High
                                                                                       Hopes for Astri who
                                                                                       gained her title under
                                                               Espen Engh. They found the breed just too
                                                               fragile for their country lifestyle!

                                                               At East of England Championship Show in 1999
                                                               they met John Richardson (Reeberrich) who
                                                               was keen to ‘recruit’ them to the ETT community.
                                                               They were invited to Three Corners Farm for
                                                               tea and can recall the impressive collection of

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