Page 96 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 96

over on 2 sticks and his dogs used to stand and
           show between his sticks, 2 of his best known
           dogs were Ch Audetts Colonel Bogey and his
           sire Audetts Andie. I don’t when they started to
           breed English Toy Terriers, but their daughter,
           who was a ballerina, had an English Toy Terrier
           in London during the war and used to carry him
           in her hand bag to smuggle him into the theatre.
           I remember their dogs been tiny but very
           determined terriers.

           When I married in 1971, Ian bought me a
           Maltese to have as a house pet as i still           ETT to ever win Best in Show at an General
           continued to breed and exhibit the cocker           Championship Show.
           spaniels. Bianca changed our lives forever,
           she was the most amazing dog who lived for          In 2016 I was honoured to judge the Toy
           22 years. I was smitten and became a toy dog        group at Crufts. As the dogs entered the ring
           devotee.                                            my eye was drawn to an English Toy Terrier
                                                               displaying the correct extended trot, Ch Sharex
           I have bred or owned and exhibited many             Burning Love For Dobrugh JW, co-owned by
           champions in Maltese, Lowchens, Chinese             Mr D.Browne, Mr T Burgess, Mrs K and Miss C
           Crested and English Toy Terriers.                   Williams, bred by Mrs K and  Miss C Williams,
                                                               handled but Mr Terry Burgess, a beautiful
           Hoity, my English Toy Terrier, was a birthday gift
                                                               balanced well marked bitch, she made my final
           from my dear friend Richard Haynes (Eburacum)
                                                               cut but then seemed to tire slightly.
           known as Eburacum Heroine at 6 months of age
           she won her first CC and best of breed at her       2018 saw me judging the breed with an entry
           first show under judge Mr Terry Thorn               of 68 English Toy Terriers at Crufts. Ch Sharex
                                                               Burning Love For Dobrugh JW now fully mature
           My proudest moment was winning Best in
                                                               showing her socks off for her beloved Terry and
           Show and Best Puppy in Show at the English
                                                               took Best of Breed to great applause and on
           Toy Terrier club show beating the legendary
                                                               this occasion was 3rd in the toy group, a great
           Brynlythe Tannia under judge Mrs Mollie
                                                               achievement for breed.
           Cottingham (Stocotts). Then, the  3rd CC and
           BOB at Richmond under judge Mr Jack Bennett         In 2019 Lucy, returned to live with her breeders
           was special she was handled by my 8 year old        Jane and Christine and has successfully reared
           daughter while I was showing my Maltese and         2 litters. So not just a pretty face.
           took the bitch CC in another ring.  We had to
           wait for a 4th CC to become a champion.             I must pay tribute to Dominic Browne who
                                                               passed away 2016, early in Lucy’s career. I
           In 2006 I judged the Toy Group at Border Union      always thought campaigning Lucy gave Terry
           and to my delight (and surprise) found my           a reason to live after he lost the love of his life.
           overall winner as a very special ETT bitch called   Recently we have lost Terry Burgess as well and
           Ch Witchstone Party Politics owned and bred         their deaths leave a huge hole in the dog world
           by Nick Gourley & Andy Leonard. I found her         and the English Toy Terrier community
           to be of perfect size and so sound with all the
           breed attributes you could wish for and a real      What does the future hold?  Hopefully in a
           presence. The following day my high opinion of      couple of years I will buy an English Toy Terrier
           this bitch was shared with Ann Arch who made        for my grandson to show, he is just 18 months
           her Best in Show. The first, and to date the only,   old, and follow on in his mother’s footsteps.

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