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dog had been bred to adapt to life as a pet.        the economic significance of pet dogs to the
                                                               UK. He also conducts Investigations into animal
           We were invited to lectures by Professor Daniel     emotion and the significance of Semiochemical
           Mills who becoming the first person within          signals in the dog. Semiochemical are molecular
           the UK to be recognized as a specialist in          messenger released by an organism that affects
           veterinary behavioural medicine by the RCVS.        the behaviour within or between species. He is
           Among his recognised practical achievements,        also interested in the use of Pheromonatherapy
           he has developed the Lincoln stable mirror          to control behaviour in domesticated animals.
           to assist horses with isolation problems. He        Truly mind-blowingly fascinating stuff.
           also validated the successful use of animal
           pheromones to control badly behaved pets.           I am a true believer in serendipity (accidently
           In 2012 he appeared on the Horizon TV               finding something good) and purely by accident
           programme: The Secret Life of the Dog. One          we were placed next to the University at All
           of his interests is the potential value of human    About Dogs. Purely by accident we were
           relationships with animals. His research in this    privileged to have had a unique academic
           area focuses on the benefits from pet keeping       experience we could never have imagined. It
           using a multidisciplinary approach. Recent          is no exaggeration when I say dogs in general
           projects include an examination of the effect of    and English Toy Terriers in particular create
           pet dogs on human health and well-being and         fascinating and fulfilling lives for us humans.

           A Journey

                         through the Dog World

                                                                                         by Val Blore

           Born into a dog exhibiting family my mother and     became champions. I first learned of the English
           step father both became international dog show      Toy Terrier breed in 1948 and during the 1950s
           judges                                              used to help show them at local shows for R &
                                                               Mrs L S Jemmelt.
           From the age of 5 years I handled Cocker
           Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, Rish Setters,          Mr Leslie Jemmelet was secretary of the English
           Gordon Setters and Pointers, many of which          Toy Terrier breed club in 1951. He was bent

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