Page 161 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 161

Manchester Terriers are a versatile dog and         Diamond Tornado, owned by Laurence and
           over the years before ill health restricted it, we   Ann Spain didn’t show Chester initially, until he
           had our dogs have a go at the events at fun         was seen by other owners at a fun weekend and
           weekends and shows, such as games, racing           was encouraged to enter championship shows.
           and agility. I do admit that now our dogs are not   Ch Talanors Diamonds & Dreams avec
           so well trained to do these events now but do       Janmark, Barney was always a show dog and
           behave quite well in the show ring and out in the   started his career early by winning Best Puppy
           community.                                          in Shows and won Championship show Terrier
                                                               Puppy group. Ch Talanors Treat me Good at
           Throughout our years, we have been able to          Sizlin was one of three siblings to show and
           provide puppies, support and friendship to          she quickly became a champion. Briar is also a
           many families in the world of Manchesters.          very good obedience dog and her owner Jean
           Although we don’t breed many puppies, we            Walker manages the Manchesters Reunited
           both feel proud to have been able to do this and    Obreedience team. They have represented the
           ensure the continuing future for the breed. As      breed for the last two years at Crufts.
           a vulnerable breed it is important to have good
           younger families interested enough in the breed     Other Talanors dogs shown have won CC’s or
           to take over the protective role of the breed       reserve CC’s and some have been included
           for the future. It is very satisfying seeing other   in the breeder’s team at Championship shows
           people showing Talanors dogs successfully, as       around the country over the last few years.
           well as the many dogs who don’t show but are        These dogs are Willis’ Talanors Super Treat,
           faithful pets, obedience or agility dogs etc.       Marshall’sTalanors Treat me Special at
                                                               Jepejo, Barlow’s Talanors Time for Magic,
           Other dogs we have bred and owned have              Warner’s Talanors Time for Fun, Straughan
           become show champions, namely Ch Talanors           and Cripps’ Talanors In for a Treat and
           Taylor Made Treat, she won Top Puppy in             Talanors Time to Shine at Mannakai, along
           2011 and went on to become a champion. Ch           with Trick, Tara, Briar and Barney.  The Talanors
           Talanors Typically Special, she won Best            team representing Manchester Terriers at Crufts
           Puppy in Show at the BMTC show and followed         in 2019 and 2020.
           it up the next year by winning Best In Show at
           the same show.                                      In 2011 we had a male puppy from Mr & Mrs
                                                               Renshaw, born from parents Talanors Star
           Dogs owned by others include Ch Talanors            Trick and Talanors Smart Treat, Westbank
           Secret Treat, who became a champion for Les         Blue Diamond for Talanors. This puppy, Travis
           Symington and is now a veteran. Ch Talanors         became our most successful show dog to date.
                                                               He had the most loving temperament and was
                                                               so charismatic, he was well known ‘to never
                                                               stop wagging his tail’. Travis won 13 CC’s and
                                                               many Res CC’s, he became a show champion
                                                               and won Terrier group 3 on the same day at
                                                               Paignton Championship show in 2014. He also
                                                               won a Best of Breed at Crufts in 2015

                                                               Travis went on to become a very successful stud
                                                               dog, passing on his fabulous head and great
                                                               ear set, his happy temperament and charisma.
                                                               He had lovely angulation and substance with
                                                               muscle. He has sired 12 UK show champions to
                                                               date, those offspring gaining him success in the

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