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annual Top Stud Dog awards. Our boy won top
           stud dog five years running, from 2015 to 2019,
           twice winning the terrier group and in 2019
           winning the group and Top Stud Dog all breeds.
           This was a fantastic achievement for a dog from
           a numerically small breed with limited number
           of CC’s on offer annually. His offspring have
           made up the Talanors Team in the breeders
           Competition over the last few years and have
           earned Talanors to be Top Breeders in 2011 and

           Travis is also the sire of a few dogs abroad,
           A Talanors’ Girl who is a Swedish champion
           and another girl and a boy who are German           litter producing a show champion. We strive to
           Champions. The little Jewel, Metric in Canada       produce Manchester Terriers of top quality, good
           is a Canadian and USA Champion, does agility        health and good temperament. We have been
           tracking, tricks and was recently inducted to the   members of the assured breeder’s scheme
           American Hall of Fame.                              since 2008 and hold all the accolades. We
                                                               have made the effort of travelling to France and
           Gill judges most terriers at open show level and    Germany to use appropriate stud dogs who
           awarded her first Challenge certificates in 2007    can bring us quality and add new blood from
           at the BMTC show. Clive initially didn’t judge      Scandinavia and France to the small gene pool
           terriers but decided to make the leap and he        we have in Manchester Terriers, to lower the
           awarded his first challenge certificates in 2019.   inbreeding coefficient.

           We love our dogs, they are first and foremost       We are both current members of the Manchester
           our much loved pets. We have been lucky             Terrier Association Committee and wish this new
           they are quite outgoing and love showing.           club all the best wishes for the future.
           Well, all except one lady but Toffee is now 9
           years old, she had two litters of puppies, each

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