Page 68 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 68

With ‘official’ recognition from the KC comes a          appreciation seminars for actual or aspiring
           range of responsibilities and accountabilities,          judges, breeders/owners or simply for folk
           notably of course the obligation to operate within       interested in the breed
           the policies and procedures approved by the          9   Managing and reviewing the lists of judges
           Kennel Club itself.  These require the Club to
                                                                    and supporting judges to move through
                                                                    the lists until they are qualified to judge
                -  appoint a Management Committee to
                                                                    Championship shows (List A)
                oversee all club activities with clear
                procedures for holding meetings, selecting      9   Delivering KC education and mentoring
                Committee members, approving new club               programmes for people interested in
                members etc                                         judging or showing
                -  prepare audited annual accounts showing      9   Monitoring the overall health of the breed
                how income is raised and how it is spent            and contributing to the KC Annual Breed
                                                                    Health Report
                -  hold an AGM to which all club members
                are invited and at which they have the          9   Maintaining a register of breeders and
                opportunity to question the Committee on            details of all puppy registrations
                any aspect of the finances and operations       9   Operating an inquiry service covering
                of the club
                                                                    everything from general advice through to
                                                                    detailed health and welfare advice
           A large part of the modernisation process
           has centred on further refinement to the club        9   Operating a welfare service which includes
           objectives, which are now stated as :-                   rescue and rehoming service where
             9   To do all in its power to protect and          9
                advance the interests of the breed                  Promoting the breed through the Breed
                                                                    Club stand at Crufts and Discover Dogs
             9   To promote the responsible ownership of        9
                the  breed                                          Developing the comprehensive ETT Club
                                                                    Web Site
             9   To encourage the breeding of sound,
                typical and healthy dogs of good
                                                                    and other social media including the Club
                temperament in accordance with KC Breed
                                                                    Facebook page
             9   To encourage and support the exhibition
                                                                    and a dedicated ETT Archive Facebook
                and judging of dogs in accordance with the
                recognised KC Bred Standard
           These objectives underpin all of the work of the     9   Stocking and running the ETT Merchandise
           Committee and the Club. The range of activities          Shop
           carried out is extensive, often taking place         9
           behind the scenes and outside of sight of club           Promoting the breed through publishing
                                                                    the annual yearbook (Thumbprints),
           members.  These include :-
                                                                    promotional leaflets, calendars,
             9   Running an annual Club Championship                photobooks and prints/posters
                Show and two Open Shows, with classes           9   Expanding the ETT Archive collection
                aimed at novices/new entrants or aspiring
                judges                                          9   Arranging informal meet ups of ETT

             9   Running a breed education programme,               owners at various locations across the
                which includes an annual breed

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