Page 71 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 71
Kim Ross (Karminy) Hazel Haffenden (Nasabe) Jan Fiers (Lokeren)
Discover Dogs Stand, Media Catering Manager Show Manager
The ETT (Black & Tan Club) Members and skilfully chaired the Committee
Roll Of Honour through some troubled waters. Nick Gourley and
Roy Wilson both made significant contributions
No history of the English Toy Terrier (Black to the Club in the last 20 years. Nick as
& Tan) Club) would be complete without a both Secretary, Chairman and Judges Sub-
roll of honour. Over the 80 years of the ETT Committee Coordinator and the late Roy Wilson
club many individuals have made a huge as Thumbprints Editor and Show Manager;
contribution to its development and growth. together they delivered most of the Breeds
They have served as Committee members and Educational Seminars in the last two decades.
office bearers, and have taken on tasks such
The ultimate reward for service to the club is of
as preparing the annual yearbook, arranging
course to be appointed Club Patron – positions
seminars, managing shows (and running the
served with distinction over the last forty years
kitchen), guarding the breed history, record-
by Eleanor Dann (1980-86), Kitty Voce (1981-
keeping, managing club memberships and
1996), Edith Holdstock (1985-89), Colin Zafiri
funds, and running the club shop.
(1997-2002), Amy Picton Bayton (1990-2018),
Far too many to name them all, but special Gloria Hoar (2003-2017), Shirley Ellis Jones
mention must be made of the Club Secretaries (2019), Ruth Kitson (2021–on) and Ted Ellis
Dorothy Dymock, and Frank Palmer who served Jones (2021-on).
when the club went through its initial formation
And finally there would be no ETT club without
in 1938 and its renaming in 1960, Edwin Speight
the many people who run ETT kennels! Over
who led the Reformative Committee in 1960,
150 kennels have bred or owned ETTs since
Eleanor Dann who prepared (and paid for)
the club was formed and many have put
the first breed handbooks, Dorothy Hammet
significant time and effort into developing and
who spent 10 years as breed Historian, Ruth
safeguarding the breed. Again too many to
and Petronelle Kitson who edited the club
name but standing out over the 80 years of
magazine Thumbprints for 10 years and have
the club are the older kennels of Halfmoon,
been Club Archivists for over 25 years and
Colvend, Stealaway, Cherrycroft, Carrlea,
John Richardson who led the club marketing
Ivycourt, Harford, Behelmstone, Bordelsey,
and merchandising effort for several years (and
and Lenster, and the more recent kennels
who won 1sts for the club stand at Crufts two
of Quinoa, Caesarea, Joruben, Pooghan,
years running) and prepared the ETT Book Of
Warwells, Witchstone, Amalek, Dobrugh,
Champions and a run of Club Yearbooks in the
Brynlythe, Sharex, Randallcarr, Reeberrich, and
In more recent years Diane Probert & Sandra
Apologies to anyone who has been missed out!
Arroyo were both long standing Committee