Page 75 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
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Harking from technical and medical                  excellent Champions Book through to the
           backgrounds we are very much data and               Kennel Club’s own archives, it was clear that the
           evidence-driven people. Our mantra is look          big data we were seeking did not exist in one
           back and learn to move forward for the better.      single repository and if we wanted it we would
           Looking backwards to study & understand             need to create it.
           historical facts before planning what can be
                                                               During our fairly short time in the breed we
           successful in the future was key to us, so before
                                                               have developed a real thirst for information
           embarking into breeding and the purchase of
                                                               and data about these perfect little dogs. What
           breeding stock we needed data.
                                                               surprised us early on, was the difficulty we had
           Given that we were relative newbies to the          finding meaningful information related to breed,
           breed we had little experience to draw upon         whether it be successful U.K. breed lines, breed
           or a support network to help build a plan. So,      champions, leading kennels, top CC winners,
           we set off in our quest for data and factual        leading sires or leading broods etc. We felt that
           evidence about the breed that would support         for us to create a breed plan to meet our vision,
           the development of a breeding plan. We very         it was critical to understand the background and
           quickly realised that the data we were looking      history of the breed in some detail. This led us to
           for could not easily be found and much of the       undertaking a significant amount of investigative
           history of the breed was at risk of being lost      work to establish our own ETT database and
           forever. Although there were pockets of great       deliver the big data we wanted.
           data stretching from Mr J.R. Richardson’s

           Many hundreds of hours have been spent              pedigree data for over 3000 dogs and much
           collating data from multiple sources. We            more. Lineage and tail-line analysis, logs of all
           received support from a multitude of breed          341 breed champions ever crowned with every
           specialists, but special mention should be          CC ever won. Details of every mating that’s
           made at this point to the late Roy Wilson, Andy     logged, can be analysed for its relative success,
           Leonard & John Richardson for their help and        C.O.I. etc.   Success of a particular kennel,
           support.                                            or stud dog or brood bitch can all be quickly
                                                               analysed plus much more.
           The database currently contains 10 generation

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