Page 76 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 76

This valuable tool was and still is used today to   number of healthy, happy, fit for purpose litters
           help us make the very best possible decisions       in the past few years and experienced good
           in our forward-looking breed plan. It has allowed   successes in the show ring. We have produced
           us to better understand the breadth of the          a number of Lasagesse CC, RCC and Toy
           available gene pool and to better understand        group placings, we still have a long way to go to
           the likelihood of successful breeding with          achieve our original aims, but we feel we are on
           different breed lines. It is also clear from the    the right track.
           analysis that line breeding and in some cases
           close line breeding has been instrumental in        We are super excited to be campaigning our
           shaping our history as a breed and clearly line     latest stud dog George (Witchstone Mine’s A
           breeding is a direction, we have decided to         Double At Lasagesse) once shows open up
           follow at Lasagesse. Once we had enough data        again. He made a tremendous impact in the
           in place to make informed decisions regarding       ring when he debuted in Jan 2020 winning BPIB
           our breeding stock, we set off on the acquisition   at both Manchester and Boston before also
           path. In 2016 we imported our first bitch from      taking Toy Puppy Group 1 and Toy Group 3 at
           the Yurrugar the leading kennel in Australia,       Boston. He has also sired a couple of litters
           she was followed by a second brood bitch and        and we hope to see his progeny in the ring too.
           a couple of male stud dogs from the world           We are equally excited to add the final piece of
           renown Witchstone kennel. We must thank Andy        the jigsaw to our breed plan with the arrival of
           Leonard and Nick Gourley for their unconditional    a super new brood bitch Tina (Ch. Witchstone
           support and encouragement that they have            Unexpected Gift), she brings with her super
           offered us during our on-going breeder              quality and the right breed lines to hopefully
           apprenticeship.                                     allow us to establish a breed line to achieve
                                                               our aims. Once again, we must offer our thanks
           To date the data driven breed planning seems        to the Witchstone team for allowing her to join
           to be working for us, we have produced a            Lasagesse.

                                                                         The database that has been created
                                                                         we believe to be an invaluable tool
                                                                         for the breed in general and not
                                                                         just Lasagesse kennel. It can help
                                                                         build better awareness, better breed
                                                                         planning and hopefully an even
                                                                         healthier cohort of dogs.  Examples
                                                                         of some of the data published on our
                                                                         website are included in this article
                                                                         and additional data can be requested
                                                                         by anyone.

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