Page 79 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 79
These old hands have been joined by more copy’ files arranged alphabetically in kennel
recent club members with an interest in the order, databases of vintage paintings, prints
history of the breed and the archive including and photographs, and folders with articles and
Graeme Dixon (Lasagesse), Steve and Carolyn extracts from dog books and magazines going
Inch (Edalene), and Marian Moss who are back over 100 years.
all contributing to the task of conserving,
curating, and expanding the archive. Graeme As part of its development programme The
has developed a range of databases looking ETT club launched The English Toy Terrier
at various facets of the major ETT kennels Archive Facebook page in 2020 with the
including major CC winners, leading stud dogs/ aim of increasing access to the collection of
bitches, and leading kennels over the years. photographs, media articles, and miscellany
These can be seen in full on either owned by the ETT Club or on loan from club members. The page has grown rapidly
Marian has spent many hours at the Kennel to nearly 700 members, many of who are active
Club finding and photographing ETT articles and contributors. New posts are added daily.
cuttings from the late 1800’s through to 1930s.
Carolyn has developed a Black And Tan/ETT The Club’s own collection of photos, prints and
database with over 37,000 entries, going back media cuttings has been supplemented by
well over 150 years. additional material either donated or purchased
from a variety of sources. Particular thanks are
due to the late Roy Wilson (Amalek), the late
Sonya Saxby (Saxonia), the late Dave Holmes
(Ellyrose), Paul Conway(Spawood) and Julie
Baldwin (Kadaz) who have donated material to
be added to the archive.
The Old Club Silverware
The Archive Calendar
The Book of Champions Archive Photobook Vol 3 Archive Photobook Vol 2
New technology has played a major role in Much of the archive content will eventually
all of this. All of the material in the archive be featured in the archive section of the
has now been rephotographed and enhanced club website. John Richardson has already
in hi-res and stored digitally, and the various published his breed history (featured elsewhere
collections merged to provide a set of ‘hard in this issue) and has written short pieces on